"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, August 10, 2009

'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate


'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate
By Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer


You have to follow the link due to copyright issues with USA Today. You are not allowed to copy the article and post. Those two sentences speak volumes about where Pelosi/Hoyer decided to do their editorial knowing full well that if we followed the copyright of USA Today, we couldn't post the article.

To call it Un-American if you attack OBAMACARE is Un-American in itself. Trying to stiffle dissent is as Un-American. I have already posted Dr. Coburn's article that details what we need to know about healthcare and how Dr. Coburn others are working on a plan. Democrat liberal leadership who is out of touch with Americans don't want to hear anything but the Feds taking over Healthcare. Why do they refuse to consider other ideas?

With the Democrat Socialist plan they will pay for all abortions, illegal healthcare, end of life when their committee determines no more money will be spent on your healthcare. When did this Country stop carrying about the senior citizens. AARP is already behind OBAMACARE which talks about end of life and preparing people to die. AARP is nothing but a greedy group of people who could care less about the people they are supposed to represent -- senior citizens. But yet, we are Un-American for pointing out the facts. Why should I have to pay to fund abortion on demand with my tax dollars?

These two members of Congress are showing they have no intention of listening to the American people because they know what is best for all of us as we are Un-American because we dare oppose OBAMACARE.

The Democrats are the ones supporting the organizing and busing people into an OBAMACARE rally in Orlando the end of the month. Not Republicans who Pelosi called Nazi's for demonstrating but Democrats being paid by a host of their liberal organizations. Right out of Alinsky -- attack your opponent on what you are doing which is what Pelosi is very good at doing.

In Dr. Coburn's article he talks about plans being developed in the Senate that cost next to nothing but the Democrats won't hear of that because the liberal leaders of Congress and in the WH want to take over Healthcare in the United States and put it under the rule of the Federal Government. They want to decide who lives and dies which is Un-American.

Someone has taken the time to go through the first 500 pages and hit the lowlights of the bill. Read the them and then ask yourself why we are being called Un-American because we don't want the Government taking over Healthcare in another move toward Socialism. It is not just Republicans, it is Independents and Democrats who are also opposing this bill. Read this synopsis of the first 500 pages, and then tell us this bill is good for Americans and I will tell you that you are a socialist because that would be the only people supporting this bill.

I just received a summary of the first five hundred pages of the health care bill. Here are some highlights.

Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure.
Page 29: First reference to rationing
Page 30: The Health Benefits Advisory Committee will be created to monitor and recommend health care treatments and benefits
Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with health insurance.
Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard and the government is granted REAL TIME access to YOUR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
Page 72: All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange
Page 84: All private healthcare plans must participate in the Healthcare Exchange
Page 124: No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No “judicial review” is permitted against the government monopoly.
Page 149: Any employer with a payroll of $400K or more, who does not offer health insurance, pays an 8% tax on payrol
Page 150: Any employer with a payroll of $250K-400K or more, who does not offer health insurance, pays a 2 to 6% tax on payroll
Page 167: Any individual who doesn’t’ have acceptable health insurance (according to the government) will be taxed 2.5% of income.
Page 170: Any NON-RESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes
Page 195: Officers and employees of Government Healthcare Bureaucracy will have access to ALL American financial and personal records.
Page 239: Bill will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors and the poor most affected
Page 265: Government mandates and controls productivity for private healthcare industries.
Page 268: Government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.
Page 270: Requires that Ambulatory Surgical Centers submit cost data to the Secretary of Health and Humans Services for “analysis”.
Page 280: Hospitals will be penalized for what the government deems preventable re-admissions.
Page 318: Prohibition on hospital expansion. Hospitals cannot expand without government approval.
Page 335: Government mandates establishment of outcome-based measures, cost effectiveness which eventually means rationing
Page 341: Government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans, HMOs, etc
Page 354: Government will restrict enrollment of SPECIAL NEEDS individuals.
Page 379: Creation of the Telehealth Advisory Committee
Page 425: Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources,
Page 427: Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment
Page 429: Advance Care Planning Consult will be used to dictate treatment as patient’s health deteriorates.
Page 430: Government will decide what level of treatments you may have at end-of-life.
Page 489: Government will cover marriage and family therapy.
Page 494: Government will cover mental health services: defining, creating and rationing those services.

Call your Congressman/Senators and tell them to JUST SAY NO to OBAMACARE!

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