"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fox News: Adams Bombshell - DOJ has issued a mandate not to remove dead, voters who move, ineligible felons from Voter Lists

This is a new bombshell dropped by former DOJ attorney Adams about a meeting where Deputy Attorney General Fernandez stated they are not to enforce Section 8 of the Motor Voter Voter Law which would require all voter registrars to remove dead voters, people who move, ineligible felons, and others who cannot legally vote.

J. Christian Adams is an election lawyer who served in the Voting Rights Section at the U.S. Department of Justice. His website is Election Law Center. Adams also is now a contributor to Pajamas Media where his latest bombshell deals with Section 5 of the Motor Voter law and the The Ike Brown Case: Is the DOJ About to Fail Another Race-Based Test? We will bring you updates as they happen this week on this case.

Attorney Adams is providing the American citizens a real look into the inner workings of the Obama Department of Justice under Attorney General Eric Holder, and we don't like what we are seeing. We suspected some of it but this goes beyond anything we could have imagined starting with the comments of Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes:

In November 2009, the entire Voting Section was invited to a meeting with Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes, a political employee serving at the pleasure of the attorney general. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Motor Voter enforcement decisions.

The room was packed with dozens of Voting Section employees when she made her announcement regarding the provisions related to voter list integrity:

We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it.
Adams also states that when the Bush Administration was in office, they brought cases against people on Section 7 and Section 8. Yet, Obama through Holder and Fernandes wants all those names to stay on the voter lists so they are ignoring Section 8. Why? Is it so that ACORN and other groups can continue to send fraudulent voters to the polls since in most states no photo ID is required.

Should the voter lists at the polling places show the person's year of birth on the records? Would be easy to see if someone was born in 1830, that they are probably dead today. Use that date since in S. Texas when we lived there a person went to vote and his great grandfather who had fought in the Civil War had voted before him.

Every voter list in American needs scrubbed. How many Democrats are voting illegally? Makes you wonder if all the lists were scrubbed if there would be as many registered Democrats as we have today which makes voter fraud easier to hide.

Once again while searching for back-up information on the Minnesota Senate election, we ran across another site which had the above video with details of how corrupt the DOJ is today. Minnesota Majority site has been fighting this for two years trying to get violations of election law investigated by the DOJ to no avail. DOJ refuses to look and act on the evidence. FBI looked at the evidence and agreed it was strong, but nothing happened and now we know why.
Not Just a Minnesota Problem
July 8, 2010

Minnesota Majority has been calling for an investigation into violations of federal election law in Minnesota for nearly two years. That call has gone unanswered by the US Department of Justice.

Now we are finding out why.

Former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams testified before the US Commission on Civil Rights that the current administration of the United States Department of Justice has a policy of not enforcing the anti-fraud provisions of the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA). Specifically, Section 303(a) of HAVA requires that the states perform voter registration list maintenance to remove deceased and ineligible voters (including felons and those who’ve moved out of state). This is an anti-voter-fraud measure that, according to Adams, Deputy Assistant

Attorney General Julie Fernandes refuses to enforce.

Adams quoted Ferndandes as saying, “We're not interested in those kind of cases. What do they have to do with helping increase minority access and turnout? We want to increase access to the ballot, not limit it.”

She evidently doesn't want to limit access to the ballot by ineligible felons, dead people and people who don't live in the state they are voting in, because the law in question requires such names to be purged from the voter registration rolls to prevent needless errors and abuse.
Let's get this straight -- someone sworn to uphold the law won't prosecute for instance if dead people are on the lists and vote because it allows more people to vote. So now the Obama Administration has determined they can "DEEM" how a dead person wants to vote.

We know for a fact that ACORN was registering felons because a felon is one of the people that tipped off a local Republican office holder what they were doing in a state because he was afraid he would get in trouble for registering and voting. The felon was much more honest than the people at ACORN or it seems the political appointees at DOJ under Holder/Obama.

Former DOJ Attorney Adams now has joined Pajamas Media as a contributor and is giving us more insight into the Holder and DOJ which is increasing DOJ attacks on him for lying. That charge backfired when three attorneys from the voting rights section came forward to confirm what Adams had said to the Civil Rights Commission. The DOJ also refuses to go on Megyan Kelly's Fox show to refute the charges. Adams received all kinds of praise and awards at DOJ as he didn't waiver in his enforcement of the law so for Holder and his people to attacking Adams shows their desperation. Since Adams considered both Section 7 and 8 equal along with other sections of Motor Voter and believes that voter fraud needs prosecuted, it seems that put him out of synch with this Administration.

We want to thank Megyan Kelly of Fox News for staying on this subject because voting is one of the most sacred responsibilities we have as United States citizens. As a political party the Democrats for years have been using voter fraud to steal elections but in 2006 and 2008 they carried it to a new low starting in the Democrat primary. When are State Attorney Generals going to step up and say "No more voter fraud in my state" and demand that every County registrar scrub their voting lists and report to the local District Attorney of their County and the State Attorney General what they discovered?

It is past time a photo ID for every voter is required to vote. That is not intimidation as Democrats claim, it is ensuring that our elections are honest. No more of using a utility bill to vote when they can be manufactured for any number of people. We would also like to see the year of birth placed next to the name of each voter on the voter lists. That would be a sure way to tell if someone in their 20's is voting for someone in their 80's.

NOW is the time to stop voter fraud in its tracks, clean all the voter lists, and have a fair election in 2010 and 2012. We might discover how many members of Congress are in office because of voter fraud. How many Democrats won't run knowing they won because of voter fraud? Why is it when the election officials discover lost ballots, the vast majority belong to Democrats? Everything about voter fraud points right to the Democrat Party and in 2008 right to the Obama and his campaign with his close ties to ACORN and Vote Smart.

1 comment:

SPN Headlines said...

Recently buried corpses are rising from their graves, and ACORN rushes in to register them to vote - the SHOCKING deets are at:


Peace! :-)