"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, September 23, 2011

IBD Editorial: Memo to GOP: The Foe is OBAMA, not Perry

Who wins when the other Republican candidates gang up on a candidate?  Obama is the answer.  Shame that Rove who is behind Romney cannot see what he is doing to the Republican field.  From all accounts he doesn't care as he is looking to have Jeb Bush run in 2016.  We have news for Rove -- no way, no how will  people across America come close to supporting Jeb in 2016 or any other time after the underhanded tactics Rove is pulling in the campaign with his undermining Rick Perry at every chance.  There is something about Fox News sponsoring a debate when Rove works for Fox and is the consultant to Romney.  Did Romney have the questions from Fox News via Karl Rove?  It is a question that deserves an answer.

Would Rove prefer to split the Republican Party to keep Rick Perry from winning as they don't want a conservative to win?  We believe the answer is yes.  We are not the only ones as more and more sites have wised up to Karl Rove who is doing to Rick Perry what he did to Dr. Coburn who was running for the Senate in 2004 -- trying to dry up fundraising.  The fundraising that needs dried up is Rove's Crossroads which has zero accountability as to who donates and how they spend their money.  When you spend money against a fellow Republican in a primary like happened in 2008, you should lose your seat at the table.

Romney went through the 2008 debates and now 2012 debates but the man has no real record of governing except Obamacare and lack of jobs in MA when he was Governor.  Nice he can debate but he has had a ton of experience while other candidates have real jobs unlike Romney who has been a full time campaigner since January 2007.  

The latest is that group headed by Bush 41 through IN Governor Mitch Daniels wants NJ Governor Christie to get in the race.  That will do nothing for conservatives but this group isn't about electing a conservative IMHO!

IBD has it right -- focus on the opponent which seems Romney is incapable of doing as he continues to attack.  
Editorial: Memo To GOP: The Foe Is Obama, Not PerryPosted 06:47 PM ET 
Politics: Despite the "gotcha" sniping at Thursday's debate, Republicans need to keep their eyes on the prize.  
The target for 2012 is not Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, Romney or Perry. It's the current White House occupant. 
Texas Gov. Rick Perry must have felt a bit like Gen. Custer at Little Big Horn at the Orlando debate, a made-for-TV contrivance in which those who have a real chance to be president must take pokes and jabs from those who don't. 
We appreciate this may be a necessary evil in which front-runners without stamina — the Ed Muskies and Rudy Giulianis, for example — are weeded out. 
Still, we must understand that while the goal is the nomination, the prize is the White House. Lost in the brouhaha over tuition for illegal aliens and mandated vaccines is the fact we simply can't afford four more years of President Obama. 
Perry has given awkward responses. How can he debate the president, the whispers ask. 
Sound-bite debates in which you thrust and parry (no pun intended) with eight other candidates, as well as the pundits, are one thing. Comparing your job-creating pro-growth record in a booming state to the record of the arguably worst president in American history is something else. 
Those former and nongovernors without a 1,200-mile border with Mexico may criticize, and perhaps justifiably, Perry's embrace of a college tuition break for illegal aliens. We've opposed it too in the past. 
Perry makes the point that this is a matter for a border state and that we wouldn't be having this conversation if Obama had secured the border and put the thousands of boots on the ground that governor has requested. 
Perry opposes the federal Dream Act as an unconstitutional mandate on all the states, like ObamaCare. 
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Romney, ironically has defended his version of ObamaCare as an example of federalism, essentially one state freely deciding what is best for itself. He says as president he would grant all states a waiver from ObamaCare. 
Michele Bachmann wants a border fence from San Diego to Brownsville, a shovel-ready project if ever there was one, and work Americans staggering under 9.1% unemployment are willing to do. 
Perry has doubts about fences without troops and enforcement of immigration laws. It is Obama who sees crumbling bridges in Hooterville as more important than a border fence. It's his Justice Department that fights states for enforcing federal immigration law. 
And rather than worry about whether Perry was wise to mandate via executive order the use of a vaccine 100% effective against cervical cancer, let's focus on the damage ObamaCare has done and will do to the creation of vaccines, to medical innovation and to what still remains the best health care system in the world. 
It's Obama who's destroying the country, not the candidates in Orlando. It is he who taxes too much, regulates too much, spends too much and imposes job-killing mandates through his EPA — something Perry knows all too well. 
So enough with the circular firing squad. For the next debate, the GOP contenders need to understand that their real foe isn't each other. It is a name too infrequently mentioned in these debates — Barack Obama. 
Source:  IBD

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