"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Election Day 2009

We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. US Constitution Preamble

Since the original document, three amendments have been ratified regarding voting:

15th Amendment: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Ratified: 2/3/1870

19th Amendment: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any on account of sex. Ratified: 8/18/1920

26th Amendment: The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of age. Ratified: 7/1/1971
Today people go the polls in Virginia and New Jersey to elect Governors and in NY for a special Congressional race which has caught the headlines.

Election Day should be a special day for Americans as we reaffirm our Freedoms granted to us by the Constitution, but there are dark clouds hanging over American elections today and in recent history -- voter fraud. When did the Democrats turn to voter fraud to get their candidates elected and yes it is the Democrats. They have taken it to a new low with ACORN voter fraud now rampant in many parts of the Country especially in the cities.

Found an interesting article last night about how Democrats can reconcile themselves with voter fraud and other ACORN activities (http://hillbuzz.org/2009/11/02/how-can-you-reconcile-being-a-democrat-and-supporting-voter-fraud-and-other-acorn-activities/). It was amazing because it actually talked about how dead people had voted for Democrats for years but ACORN was different in 2008. What's different? Obama used voter fraud to steal the election from Hillary and all of a sudden it was wrong. Do object to one of the comments that the Diebold machines were programmed by Republicans -- that is as phoney as a $3 bill. Republicans don't manufacture ballots or recognize hanging chads to determine how someone 'might' have wanted to vote. We do agree with Hillbuzz that in 2008, the Obama campaign took voter fraud to a new low.

During Nixon/Kennedy in 1960, the Chicago Fraud machine sent in people to Cleveland, Ohio, to steal the election for Kennedy by stuffing ballot boxes and then finding some ballot boxes that were 'missed' and shockingly almost 100% for Kennedy. Along with their ballot fraud in Illinois, it gave the election to Kennedy instead of Nixon.

When our family was transferred to Texas, we happen to move into a very Republican County. One of the first things we heard when we registered to vote was when LBJ was running for Senate, his thugs were going around stealing the ballot boxes to make sure he won. His thugs came to our new Home County and were met by our County Sheriff and his sons holding shotguns to protect the ballot boxes. When we moved there in 1990, the county still had the same Sheriff. While in Texas, one election showed a man on TV where he had just voted after his relative from the Civil War. Voter fraud was rampant in parts of south and east Texas as the cemetaries voted.

Why has the Democrat Party turned to voter fraud over the years to get elected although today with ACORN voter fraud it is much more prevalent. They actually make up names of voters and then have people vote in their place when in the past pre-ACORN, it was the cemetary votes that counted. It is all disgusting and totally dishonest. We would like to know how many members sitting in Congress today that ACORN voter fraud elected them to pass Obamacare and other liberal items like Cap and Trade.

Oklahoma bucked the Democrat trend in 2006 and 2008, but yet we had ACORN voter fraud trying to steal two State Senate seats to keep Republicans from taking over the State Senate and thus controlling the State Election Board as well as the counties. It was so important to the Democrats to try to fraud two State Senate seats using ACORN. One the Republican won by a little over 70 votes and the rest is history. Republicans control the Senate and the Election Board for the first time in the history of the State. Obama only received 35% of the vote in Oklahoma in the last election and didn't win one County. Guess ACORN and the dead voters didn't do well here. Yet, there was an ACORN document on How Oklahoma could be Turned Back Blue? Not going to happen as more and more conservative Democrats here become Republican.

In 2000 and again in 2004 we had precincts in large cities where more then 100% voted and no one seemed to care that much as it was expected. Well maybe Democrats expect voter fraud to win their elections, but this Conservative Republican along with a lot of others are fed up with elections being stolen. The 2000 election was the perfect example as the Democrats accused Pres Bush of stealing Florida via the Courts when the actual voter fraud was committed by Democrats in South Florida as they manufactured ballots. No matter what the Governor of Florida says today there was voter fraud on a huge scale in 2008 in Florida. Something about Mickey voting tends to make you believe that there was a lot as they had to have Florida for Obama and flip some GOP Congressional seats to Dems.

When you have voters who vote absentee in more then one state like in 2000 and 2004 with a lot of New Yorkers voting in NY/NJ and also Florida. But this time the Democrats took it to a new low as it was three states including Florida they voted absentee. You have real problems and election laws need to be tightened before the 2010 or at least by 2012 elections.

One of the worst travesties by the Democrats is not allowing military ballots to count by using any means necessary to toss them out or not getting the ballots to them on time so they can be returned as we have just seen happen in Virginia this year. Why? Is it because the vast majority of our military are Republican and Independent voters?

What the head of the elections in Hillsborough County, Tampa, FL, did in 2000 should have landed her in jail. When the ballots came in from overseas the Miami post office stamped the outer envelopes (should have not have been done) and that caused the Hillsborough County woman in charge to toss the ballots of our military without even looking at the date of the absentee ballot inside the inner envelope. According to federal law the military ballots have to be accepted 10 days after the election but not by her, she tossed them. Will never forget spending that night tracking down military to tell them their ballots were tossed. One of the most disgusting events I have seen in politics.

Motor Voter registration where you have to provide no ID needs tossed out the door like yesterday. To register, you need to provide proof of citizenship like some of us had to the first time we registered. It is a privilege and no one should object to providing their citizenship status. To vote every voter needs to provide a picture ID not some utility bill that 50 people can live there like in Chicago. If they cannot afford a picture ID, the state licensing agents should provide one free of charge. That would put a stop to vans of voters going from one precinct to the next in large cities to cast their votes under a variety of names.

When the Republicans take back over the House, one thing has to be a priority and that is cleaning up the voter fraud. People risked their lives in Iraq to get a purple finger showing they voted while our elections rival a 3rd World Country with all the voter fraud.

If you are a Democrat, ask yourself why you need so much voter fraud to win elections and is it worth it to cheat? If you are an Independent or Republican ask yourself why are you not shouting from the rooftops to end voter fraud?

Today is election day and already in NJ people are concerned ACORN is going to steal the election for Corzine but this time they are up against two fraud prosecutors and a raft of attorneys spread around the State to challenge voters. Do we want to keep having elections where we are not sure the outcome is legitimate? It is time for every Freedom Loving American to demand their Congressman and Senators do something about voter fraud. At the State level demand that picture ID be required to vote and anyone running for office has to provide a certified copy of the birth certificate or naturalization to prove they are eligible to run for office.

Time to take back America from the dishonest Democrats who supported ACORN in stealing elections for their candidates. The next time someone from the Chicago machine runs for office tell them NO as Obama gave ACORN over $1M in the last election to help with his election. They helped all right with increased voter fraud registrations as they were paid for each registration so they just submitted names and addresses that were phoney like a NFL football team or the Disney characters.

ACORN now faces charges around the Country for voter fraud, but we have to wonder if Attorney General Holder will throw out convinctions like he did for the New Black Panther thugs who intimidated voters in Philly.

If Republicans only stand for one issue we need to make sure it is for Fair and Honest Elections and with that we won't have far left liberals/socialist running the Congress as the Country in poll after poll is center right. No longer would Democrats be elected by voter fraud which is a travesty and should put people in jail.

God Bless America!

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