"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Frank Gaffney: Coming to Grips with Sharia (Muslim Law)

The American people are being subjected to spin and lies about Sharia not the truth by Obama and his Administration, along with Democrat leaders of Congress, local elected officials like Mayor Bloomberg of NYC, academia, and financial institutions for starters. All these people are trying to whitewash Sharia claiming it is not counter to the Constitution. That makes us ask if they don't understand the Constitution or they don't understand Sharia because the two are not compatible by any stretch of the imagination. Why won't these people/media tell the truth about Sharia? Political correctness is going to get us killed.

Unfortunately, too many Americans still remain unaware of the magnitude of the danger we face from Shariah. Worse yet, their ability to comprehend this threat, let alone respond appropriately to it, is being seriously disserved by people who know better - or should. Specifically, the public is being seriously misled by 1) some journalists and politicians who are obscuring the true nature of Shariah and 2) Shariah practitioners who engage in deliberate deception to facilitate the penetration of their doctrine into Western societies.
This paragraph from the article leads us to wonder how many in the media/government actually favor Muslims over Christians/Jews? It is mind boggling that these so-called leaders try to put a guilt trip on the rest of us for not wanting Islamic Mosques built. It is not working because most Americans understand what the Islamic faith is all about -- their goal to to turn everyone Muslim or they prefer you were dead. They leave no room for other religions but yet our political and some church leaders want Americans to embrace their Islamic religion as just another church. Last we checked new Christian churches that have been formed, did not want to kill us. The terrorists are not called Islamic Jihadists for nothing even though that is not considered words to be used by this Administration.

Americans across this country are struggling to understand the true nature of the threat we face from Shariah. They are entitled to straight talk about the extent to which it is being insinuated, promoted and legitimated not only in mosques but by financial institutions, banks, academic institutions and government agencies. Those who fail to provide such unvarnished truths are part of the problem, and should be treated accordingly.
The controversy surrounding the building of the Islamic Mosque near Ground Zero has taken a new twist as it has come to light that Con Ed owns half the building which was information not given to the people making the decision. Why did the Muslims hide the fact they didn't own the entire building? Will NYC now make the application process start all over again or will they whitewash it and give permission to build? What are Bloomberg and the City Council of NYC thinking with allowing this Mosque so close to Ground Zero. The hijackers on 9/11 all were Muslim and now NYC wants to build this huge mosque near Ground Zero and actually break ground for it on 9/11? The 3rd term of Bloomberg is turning into a disaster.

Anger is building across America at the boldness of Muslims in America with these mosques and it is not helped by Obama who favors them and covers for what any of their members might do like Major Nidal Malik Hasan who went on a killing spree on Fort Hood, Texas. He is still drawing military pay and benefits while awaiting trial for the murders. This Administration and the media did their best to keep the fact he was a practicing hard liner Muslim from the American people. He had been turned in for his interaction with patients but the Army and their political correctness failed to act.

Why are communities allowing these mosques to be built? There is a mosque near the University of Oklahoma where the 'lone' suicide bomber attended who tried to blow up our football stadium. To this day the 'real' facts are still missing in the case. The local mosque at that time had TV cameras watching people going by, yet by all accounts there was no surveillance of the mosque. This 'lone' person with a Pakistani roommate had enough bomb making chemicals in his apartment that the local PD took 18 trips to the bomb disposal dump so not to blow up a city block. When they detonated the bomb, windows rattled five miles away. Yet we were supposed to believe he really wasn't dangerous and didn't try to blow up the stadium.

Local media had one source but they could not get a second source to go on record so the spin of the Government stood. If they expect anyone in this area to swallow the 'religion of peace' mantra, think again. This is the second instance with Government cover-up of bombings this area has experienced -- the first was with the Murrah Building blown up by McVeigh/Nichols/Others. FBI in both instances were selective in what they investigated. The 'lone' bomber in Norman they tried to tell us had left a suicide note on his computer they found three weeks after he was blown up.

The same BS meter is going off about these mosques they are trying to build around the Country with what has already happened in Oklahoma. Obama said we were one of the largest Muslim countries -- maybe that was wishful thinking for the future.

Is it true that Obama is Muslim even though attending Rev Wright's Church of Christ which was a cover for Muslims in Chicago wanting to pretend their were Christian? Did the media bother to follow up? NO -- they allowed Obama to throw Rev Wright under the bus with little comment. When Obama bowed to the Saudi king, the media still had little comment. What is the media hiding from the American people about Obama's Muslim background?

Read this article from Frank Gaffney and ask yourself what is wrong with the leadership of this Country including with Mayor Bloomberg. Shame Rudy is still not the Mayor because this would not be happening. Rudy refused a check from a Saudi prince after 9/11 while Bloomberg refuses to check the source of the Muslim funding for the mosque. That's the difference between a real leader -- Rudy and someone who will bow to the Muslims and whatever they want to do -- Obama and Bloomberg.

Coming to grips with shariah
Center for Security Policy Aug 09, 2010
By Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Suddenly, it seems, everyone is talking about Shariah. In particular, growing controversies over proposed mosques at Ground Zero and other sites are becoming powerful "teaching moments" - raising awareness about the repressive theo-political-military-legal doctrine that animates the builders and that their fellow adherents seek to impose on the entire world.

This is a most welcome development in light of the grave and growing threat posed by this agenda and the concerted effort being made - here and elsewhere, through violent jihad and the stealthy kind - to realize that goal.


As an example of the former, consider the article that led the New York Times front page on Sunday entitled "Battles around Nation over Proposed Mosques." It accurately reported that Americans from the Ground Zero neighborhood in Lower Manhattan to San Bernardino are expressing growing concern about Muslim mosques that "seek to replace the U.S. Constitution with Islamic Shariah law."

Yet, the Times proceeded to dismiss the idea that such mosques are a problem. It cited "interfaith groups led by Protestant ministers, Catholic priests, rabbis and clergy members from other faiths [who] have defended the mosques." One such individual was quoted as saying that the opponents "have fear because they don't know" those involved in such mosques.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg went even further last week declaring that those critical of the construction of a permanent symbol of Shariah adherents' victorious destruction of the World Trade Center "ought to be ashamed of themselves" for being intolerant. Moreover, he categorically rejected the idea that it was reasonable, let alone necessary, to determine the source of funds for the $100-plus million mega-mosque near Ground Zero.

In other words, the Mayor seemingly is indifferent to whether the funding for the mosque sponsored by the Cordoba Initiative (named for the capital city of the Moorish conquerors of Spain and the site where they triumphally transformed a Catholic church into a massive mosque) might be the Saudis, with their version of Shariah known as Wahhabism.

This cavalier attitude is absolutely stupefying insofar as two years ago this month, the New York Police Department issued a report warning that Wahhabi mosques in America were incubators for "homegrown" Islamic radicals.

The Mayor has a duty to know a lot more than he evidently does about Shariah. He certainly has an obligation to figure out whether - as is true of, by some estimates, 80% of the mosques in America - the Ground Zero Mosque is going to fit the profile of a Wahhabi-associated facility.

The challenge of assuring public awareness of the Shariah threat would be hard enough if the only impediment were ill-informed politicians and journalists. Matters are made much worse by the skill with which Shariah's adherents dissemble, or simply lie.

For example, the New York Times article cited Camie Ayash, a spokeswoman for the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, Tennessee - the sponsors of a proposed 52,000 square foot mosque that has precipitated an intense local backlash. It reported that Ms. Ayash "lamented that people were listening to 'total disinformation' on Islam." She then engaged in a classic example of real disinformation - or what Shariah calls taqqiya - claiming, "There's no conflict with the U.S. Constitution in Shariah law."

Now, even the most superficial review of Shariah shows that statement to be preposterous and misleading. In fact, among other Constitution-affronting features, Islamic law prohibits democratic law-making. It requires the replacement of constitutions and governments like ours with a global theocracy governed by Islamic law. It brutalizes women and otherwise treats them as second-class citizens and authorizes the murder of homosexuals and apostates.

Shariah is, in short, wholly incompatible with our legal system, freedoms and way of life.

Read More at: http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/p18487.xml

NOTE: Our emphasis added

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