"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, August 9, 2010

NRCC Launches a new Website -- Where are the Dems?

House Republicans have launched a new website Where are the Dems calling out vulnerable House Democrats on their avoiding town hall meetings during their summer recess.

NRCC site shows 69 of the chamber's most vulnerable Democratic members have yet to schedule town hall meetings and encourages visitors to contact the lawmakers and ask why. So far only 6 of the democrats listed as vulnerable have scheduled Town Hall Meetings:

Bobby Bright, AL-2
Jim Marshall, GA-08
Martin Heinrich, NM-1
John Boccieri, OH-16
Tom Perriello, VA-2
Ron Kind, WI-3
Six out of 75 vulnerable House Democrats are willing to hold a Town Hall meeting to report back to their constituents. Remember the NRCC is only covering the most vulnerable of the 265 House Democrats up for reelection. How many of the other 190 are holding Town Halls. We would guess very few except the ones who have voted mostly with the GOP not Pelosi like Dan Boren of Oklahoma.

One tip we would give people who go to Town Halls is to be respectful of the position even if you detest the man. Don't give the Democrats any wiggle room and ask the tough questions. Last summer the media focused on disruption of the Town Halls. This summer ask those tough questions and wait for them to spin their answers. Call them on their spin or lies but don't do it by shouting them down. Get their lies on tape which is much more benefit in the general then people shouting down the members of Congress.

Republicans were accused of being the disruptors but were they Republicans? Most we know will show respect even if we don't like the candidate. Not used to seeing people shouted down by Republicans which makes me wonder if a lot of these people creating the scenes were even Republican. Could some of the people have been moles. When the audience makes it so unbearable that the candidate walks off the stage, then you have gained nothing except being on the local news looking like Democrat thugs.

Time for Republicans to play it smart and win every seat we can in the fall.

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