"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, April 1, 2011

A clueless presidency adrift in a sea of confusion: Barack Obama sinks again at the polls

The title of the article sums up our feelings about this President -- 'A clueless presidency adrift in a sea of confusion' is just how Obama comes across to a majority of Americans and that number is growing every day.

At the core of the presidency’s declining fortunes is Barack Obama’s lack of leadership, both at home and abroad. The president’s widely criticised dithering over Libya has reinforced the impression of a White House adrift in a sea of confusion, as the world’s only superpower seems incapable of projecting decisiveness on the world stage, while failing at the same time to confront the nation’s biggest economic crisis in decades in the shape of towering debts and European-levels of unemployment. The Quinnipiac poll should be a wake-up call for a president deeply out of touch with an increasingly disillusioned electorate. But unfortunately there is little sign he is listening.
Jimmy Carter lost Iran while President with his actions and lack of backbone to stand up and defend one of our best allies in the Middle East because he wanted democracy for the Iranian so he agreed the Shah should go. Instead Iran saw a return by the ayatollahs who have been behind the repressive regimes and Iranian people are no closer to freedom today. This should have been a perfect example of why the United States should never meddle in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries. Maybe the heads of state in the Middle East run their governments like they do for a reason. The Iranian people had it much better under the Shah. The crackdown on their dissidents by the Iranian Government brought little reaction out of Obama when these dissidents were not Al Qaeda. WHY?

Today the world is faced with Obama losing more than one country in the Middle East to Islamic fundamentalists.  The Middle Eastern people were full of praise when Obama was elected as he was considered one of them.  Wonder what they think now as even in Egypt that has been a pretty stable country for years, the Islamic fundamentalists are looking to seize power as they won the election on changes to the governing of Egypt.  Like the people in Iran who wished for the Shah to return after a few years, we suspect that the real dissidents in Egypt will be wishing for a return of Murbarak some day because their lives are about to change for the worse from all accounts.

More and more of the American people are finally understanding that Obama who had little to no experience has been a horrible President from overspending the US Treasury while taking over large chunks of industries by the Government, to his inept foreign policy where he tried to tell the world that America was nothing special.  He dissed our allies while play up to our enemies.  From Day One he set out to drastically change America with the appointment of the Czars to run Government not the cabinet secretaries who had to have Senate confirmation.  All of Obama's socialist agenda, ineptness, laziness, and no real experience has led to where we are today.  Now he wants to run for reelection? 

If you ask most Americans if they are better off today than they were before Obama took office, they would give you a resounding NO.  If the Democrats were honest in DC, they would give the same answer.  It has been stated that Obama will kick off his re-election bid shortly.  When did he stop campaigning?

This article by one of our favorite British reporters brings you the facts of what polling is saying about Obama.  Due to the nature of some of the pollsters leaning left, we think the numbers on Obama are even worse.  Now all Republicans have to do is nominate an experiened person who can win.  No one who ran in 2008, quitters, and candidates with little to no experience governing or leading a company need to apply. 
How Newt Gingrich can even think of running is beyond us as he had to resign as Speaker and left the House in a Mess.  His affair caused him to quit in disgrace because he had been going after Clinton for having an affair and lying about it at the same time he was having an affair.   Yet he thinks Republicans have short memories I guess.
A clueless presidency adrift in a sea of confusion: Barack Obama sinks again at the polls

By Nile Gardiner
Last updated: April 1st, 2011

This week’s Quinnipiac University national poll should be devastating reading for the White House, against a background of mounting confusion over Libya, paralysis in the face of a massive national debt and deep-seated economic problems, and a possible shutdown of Congress. Liberal hopes of an Obama recovery in the first half of 2012 following disastrous midterm elections in November are proving short-lived. According to the Quinnipiac survey, Obama is now at the lowest approval level of his presidency, with his weakest reelect score ever:

American voters disapprove 48 – 42 percent of the job President Barack Obama is doing and say 50 – 41 percent he does not deserve to be re-elected in 2012, both all-time lows, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. This compares to a 46 – 46 percent job approval rating and a 45 – 47 percent split on the President’s re-election in a March 3 survey by the independent Quinnipiac University. In a hypothetical 2012 matchup, President Obama gets 36 percent of the vote to 37 percent for an unnamed Republican challenger.

President Obama receives strong negativity ratings for his handling of virtually all key issues, including the economy, budget deficit, health care, foreign policy and energy policy. According to Quinnipiac, on the economy 60 percent of Americans disapprove of his performance, including more than a quarter of Democrats. That figure rises to 64 percent on the budget deficit. On health care, less than 40 percent of Americans back the president, with 55 percent opposing. On foreign policy, 47 percent disapprove of his handling, compared to just 41 percent in favour, with only two in five Americans approving of his leadership of the Libya issue.
Excerpt: Read More at the London Telegraph

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