"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

LA Times: Osama bin Laden dead: Yes, SEALs were in on the raid, but aides hail Obama's office bravery

There is no better example of lack of class then what has happened with the killing of Osama Bin Laden then this from the Los Angeles Times:

Here's something else that didn't get much recognition in all the street celebrations or all-hail-Obama briefings:

The trail to Monday morning's assault on Osama's Pakistan compound began during someone else's presidency. That previous president authorized enhanced interrogation techniques which convinced folks like Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to give up, among many other things, the name of their top-secret courier, now deceased. His travels ultimately led the CIA back to Osama's six-year-old suburban home.
On this 'tense' filled weekend Obama managed to play nine holes of golf and that night gave out zingers at the White House Correspondent's Dinner? Very tense much more so then the Navy Seals performing the mission. (sarcasm) Just what is the National Security Advisor Brennan and others trying to spin for Obama. They cannot even get their stories straight.

Last night it comes out that Bin Laden's wife(s) was not used as a shield in front of him. If you are watching on a 'closed' circuit feed, couldn't you see that with your own two eyes? Was the feed live? How do you know from this White House who would rather spin then tell the truth. Pretty big spin to say his wife was in front of him when he was shot and find out that was not the case within hours.

Why bury Bin Laden's body at sea with a Muslim burial within 24 hours? He wasn't killed at sea and per Muslim rules he was to be buried on land with his head facing Mecca. Why give the man behind the Cole bombing and other terrorists acts as head of Al Qaeda a Muslim burial service before putting him into the Arabian Sea within 24 hours from the Navy ship the Carl Vinson? Makes no sense that we would honor any Muslim tradition when it came to Obama. If you are going to bury him at sea, dump him from the Chopper.

Don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy that Bin Laden is dead but it would be nice to get the truth for a change and would have been better if Obama had been willing to give President Bush and his team the credit for the initial break from intelligence interrogation. It was once again all about Obama with his aides pushing him as being so brave (in the office) while virtually ignoring our Navy SEALS who risked their lives.

Now Obama makes a political trip to NYC on Thursday to tie up their traffic. If he wasn't so much about himself and his reelection, he would have invited President Bush to go with him to Ground Zero of 9/11. Class act has never been in the vocabulary when talking about Obama.

Osama bin Laden dead: Yes, SEALs were in on the raid, but aides hail Obama's office braveryMay 2, 2011 | 2:42 pm

According to another one of those White House briefings of reporters designed to suck up all available credit for good news, President Obama's homeland security advisor reveals that it was a really tense time in the air-conditioned White House as unidentified U.S. Navy SEALs closed in on the world's most wanted man after midnight a half a world away.

"Minutes passed like days," says John Brennan, who bravely stood with press secretary Jay Carney before reporters and TV cameras today chronicling his boss' weekend heroics.

The heavily-armed commandos flying in a quartet of darkened Blackhawk and Chinook helicopters more than 100 miles into Pakistan were probably listening to their iPods and discussing the NFL draft.

"The concern was that bin Laden would oppose any type of capture operation," said Obama's Sherlock Holmes. So U.S. troops were prepared "for all contingencies."

In fact, this weekend was such a tense time in the White House that Obama only got in nine holes of golf. But he still managed to deliver his joke script to the White House Correspondents Assn. dinner Saturday evening.

Sunday was, Brennan revealed to his eager audience, "probably one of the most anxiety-filled periods of times in the lives of the people assembled here." Poor poor bureaucrats. Extra Tums all around. Did someone order dinner?

There may have been a little anxiety aboard those combat choppers. Who knows? We can't hear from them. And, as every day, anxiety in the kitchens, hearts and mind of thousands of military families who put up with the terrifying uncertainty of the dangerous deeds their loved ones have volunteered to secretly do for their country. During his 49 minute presentation Brennan did squeeze in one reference to the mission's "very brave personnel."

But the emphasis, with 2012 just around the calendrical corner, was on the boss' valor. "There was nothing that confirmed that bin Laden was at that compound," Brennan related as if such uncertainty is uncommon in war.

"And, therefore," Brennan continued, "when President Obama was faced with the opportunity to act upon this, the president had to evaluate the strength of that information and then made what I believe was one of the most gutsiest calls of any president in recent memory."

According to early reports of the incident, detailed here in The Ticket, 24 SEALs rappelled down ropes from hovering Chinooks in post-midnight darkness Monday Pakistan time with Osama security forces shooting at them. Brennan didn't have much time to go into all that today, the goal is to elevate the ex-state senator to at least a one-star commander-in-chief.

Read More at LA Times
There is something about all of this that bothers me and that was the fact Obama knew this was going down and chose last week to release the birth certificate.  Why?  When 'natural' born versus 'native' born was actually being discussed, the raid to kill Bin Laden happens that next weekend. With the people Obama surrounds himself with in the White House, we have no doubt that everything this man done is for political purposes as he knows nothing else. The trip to Ground Zero during a work day on Thursday says it is not only political but all of this operation was about him according to his staff. He gives little credit to anyone if it doesn't help him politically.  The leadership has been unable to get their stories straight which we don't understand.  At times this seems like a movie ready for Take 2.

Yet he wants the same bi-partisanship that happened with the killing of Bin Laden to continue on his agenda. At the same time he refuses to recognize President Bush and his team along with the interrogation techniques that discovered the link to Bin Laden that eventually took him down. It is only bi-partisan when everyone agrees with Obama.

We don't want anyone to think we are not happy that Bin Ladin is dead but changing stories along with releasing info that should have remained classified makes us wonder about this operation on the part of the White House.  Praise keeps going to Obama for being brave when he sat in an office while the Navy Seals were in the field.  Not sitting well but once again why should we be shocked by this Obama media?  They are in full cover mode no matter what Obama says.

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