"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama's Disgraceful Surrogate

Monday, July 28, 2008

Greg Craig, senior foreign policy adviser to the Obama campaign, went on MSNBC this afternoon to defend his candidate's decision to skip a visit with wounded U.S. troops in Germany. The key exchange:

Andrea Mitchell: You were facing the Pentagon saying this can't be political, you can't bring aides, you can't bring General Gration, who is a retired military officer, why not just have him go and make it clear you weren't bringing all the others?

Greg Craig: The Pentagon said they were treating it as a campaign event, that this was politically sponsored, and the Pentagon told us that that was the fact of the matter, that he was engaged in a political event. So, to avoid putting the troops in the middle of a political situation, Senator Obama said "I'd rather take them out of it, rather than be seen as exploiting them. Let's not politicize the troops." And what has happened is, that ad and what Senator McCain has said has done precisely that. They are using the troops in a political fashion. It's disgraceful.

Craig should know disgraceful when he sees it, having personally represented an assassin (John Hinckley), a dictator (Fidel Castro), and foreign officials accused of war crimes (former Bolivian Defense Minister Carlos Sánchez-Berzaín). When not advising Senator Obama on matters of foreign policy, Craig remains a partner at the D.C. law firm Williams & Connolly. There he currently represents, among others, Pedro Miguel González, the president of Panama's legislature and a fugitive from justice in the United States. González is under federal indictment for the murder of U.S. Army Sgt. Zak Hernández Laporte.

Of course, Obama deserves the best representation money can buy.
Posted by John McCormack


NOTE: As somone who has spent over 30 years around the military and was at Wright-Patterson AFB when the POWs came home, I find Obama and all his and his staff's explanations worthless. Was Obama afraid to visit the wounded soldiers by himself which the Pentagon said he could do. Looks to me after talking with some military people that Major General Cration got his nose out of joint when the military wouldn't let him go marching up to the front door of the hospital with Obama so the visit was called off. Cration served at Ramstein so he knew full well the rules -- no politics on a military installation. Sure shows how little Obama cares about our wounded and the rest of our military. He would rather party from all accounts and hang out with a retired Air Force two-star General who also put his ego ahead of the wounded troops.

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