"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We are Back!

We are back and gearing up for the 2010 elections. The last month has given the American people real insight into the Democrat controlled Congress and this Democrat President from who knows where.

One thing we do know is that he was never on the Mainland until he was 18 and started college in California. Where was he born? Toss a dart because he has spent over $1M, yes $1,000,000, to keep his birth certificate secret. He has had all his academic records sealed as well so we have no idea if he registered as an American student or as a foreign student as has been rumored. Was Frank Marshall Davis his mentor during his teen years and responsible for him going to Chicago? When did he meet Bill Ayers? Who were his friends in Chicago besides Ayers, Dohrn, Rev Wright, Rezko, Farrakhan? All kinds of questions that need answers, but where are the members of the mainstream media? MIA it seems.

Recently it has come out that there is proof that his first book, Dreams of My Father, was mostly ghost written by his good friend and confident, Bill Ayers. For details see Breakthrough on authorship by Jack Cashill who has spent countless hours researching to compare the book by Ayers with the book by Obama. The similarities are astounding and any thinking person will see that Ayers was the writer.

Why would Obama lie about that he wrote the book? Who wrote the second book is the new question? It was obvious from when he was elected the first black President of the Harvard Law Review that writing was not his strength as he didn't write anything of note so the chances of him writing not one but two books were slim to none. Law students vie for that position so they can get started early on their writings but not Obama. WHY? Who got him the position? Who got him into Law School? Why did Franklin Davis choose Chicago for him to land? Who got him to become a Community Organizer?

So many why's and so few answers about this man that was elected President thanks, in part, to a media that chose not to investigate his past and where he actually stood on issues preferring to give him a pass as so many of them became cheerleaders instead of reporters. He was their "Chosen One" which should have been the first clue they lost all objectivity.

Many members of the press obviously are not members of the Society of Professional Journalist (SPJ) because they certainly do not abide by the SPJ Code of Ethics. When the press becomes a cheerleader for a candidate instead of an unbiased reporter, it is time for them to find another line of work.

Recently, a White House Press Conference had the Administration plant a question with The Huffington Post Blog to ask - same Huffington Post Blog that said Pres George Bush was too cozy with the press which was laughable as they went after him with darts. How do the American people know now which questions from the WH Press Corps are legitimate and not planted by this WH press office at the request of Axelrod or Emmanual? Some of the most ridiculous softball questions have been asked of this President that it makes people with a brain want to throw up. What happened to the tough questions from our media?

If it wasn't for Major Garrett of Fox News and Jack Tapper of ABC News, very few hard questions would ever be asked. That doesn't even count the evening worshippers of this President at MSNBC. No way if you are a thinking person, would you watch MSNBC. Those shows give spin not news. Then we have Brian Williams almost bowing to the "leader" not to mention the infomercial of ABC on Obama healthcare.

This Nation was founded with Freedom of the Press in the Constitution but that doesn't mean Freedom to worship a President and hide facts from the American public. A Free Press is an independent Press not a Press that the White House Press Secretary can spin at will. Members of the Press need to get a reality check and realize their first job is not to listen to spin and report that spin from the White House Press Office, but to search out the truth and report.

Where is the media about this President's double standards when it comes to interfering in another country's business?

First he tells Israel they cannot build settlements which is none of his business. It is their land. The United States has always been a strong ally and supporter of Israel until this President took office. Fortunately, members of Congress still support Israel wholeheartedly.

Second, he doesn't want to get involved in Iran as Freedom Fighters demonstrate against the election fraud in Iran. Iranians are killed in peaceful demonstrations because they are against the current regime - shot in cold blood in some cases but our President plays golf on Father's Day (do as I say not as I do on Fathers Day) and eventually gets around to saying the Government shouldn't be doing that to their citizens. That said, he says Iranians are still welcome at our Embassies around the World to celebrate the 4th of July with eating hot dogs. What kind of diplomacy is that?

Now fast forward to this past weekend when the Hondurian Congress and then the Supreme Court gave the order to remove the current President who was going against their Constitution in declaring a referendum vote on Constitutional term limits so he could stay in power. He had no authority to call for referendum as that is not how they change their Constitution. The President who was ousted wanted Honduras to align closer to the Chavez and other Communist dictators and was moving the Country toward socialism and communism.

What does our "leader" do? We find out he has worked for several weeks to try and keep a Honduran President in power who was going against the Honduran Constitution. He is eventually removed by their Congress and Supreme Court who issues an order to the military to remove the current President. Obama strongly condemns Hondruas for their military coup when it was NO coup as the Congress and Supreme Court took the necessary steps before the Supreme Court gave the order to remove the President. Where was the fearless "leader" when this went down? He was playing golf like he did on Fathers Day after telling Fathers across America to stay home on Fathers Day.

The supposed "leader" of the free world, the American President, has sidedonce again sided with the Communist or Muslim dictators like Chavez, Noriega, and Castro. In the meantime he disses our allies Great Britain, France, Israel, Honduras, etc.

What does that tell the American people about this President? This "leader" is no friend to freedom loving people around the world. He doesn't even mouth the words freedom. His arrogance knows no bounds as he bows to the Saudi King. What American President would ever bow to a Saudi King? He cares more about the Muslim leaders then the leaders of our friends in NATO as evidenced by his looks at them when he meets with them. It has been dubbed the "Evil Eye" - judge for yourself.

In the days ahead we will take a closer look at his lack of foreign policy experience and how he is siding with Chavez, Castro, and Noriega against the legitimate government of Honduras who removed their President LEGALLY.

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