"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Obamacare Waivers List Released Friday Afternoon -- No News Release -- Unions Benefit Most!

Doesn't take rocket science to figure out why the 111 companies who were granted waivers by the Obama Administration were not announced in a public press release. That is a lot of waivers to Obamacare which points out the fact it is an extremely flawed healthcare program that Nancy Pelosi rammed through saying it had to be passed to see what was in the bill. Most people do not like what is in the bill after they saw it but it helped prove in this election that Pelosi could care less about what was in a bill as long as it passed. Now she is running for Minority Leader since they lost so many seats and she will no longer be Speaker. Are the Democrats going to elect her and once again make her the face of Democrat House members?

Why did the Democrats under the leadership of Pelosi and Reid refuse to even consider the bicameral Patient's Choice Act bill submitted by Sen Coburn (R-OK) and Senator Burr (R-NC)in the Senate and Rep Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Devin Nunes (R-CA)? In the Senate in addition to Coburn and Burr, it was co-sponsored by Senators Alexander (R-TN), Graham (R-SC), Isakson (R-GA), Bunning (R-KY), Chambliss (R-GA) and Inhofe (R-OK). In the House in addition to Ryan and Nunes, it was co-sponsored by Brady (R-TX), Campbell (R-CA), Linder (R-GA), Marchant (R-TX), Sessions (R-TX), Souder (R-IN), Calvert (R-CA), LaTourette (R-OH), Lungren (R0-CA), McClintock (CA-4), Rohrabacher (CA-46), and Shimkus (R-IL). The bill in both Houses was sent to Committee where it didn't even receive a hearing.

This site covered the Patient's Choice Act on August 22, 2010 at Patients Choice Act of 2009 and provided the details of their plan to fix healthcare. We suggest they bring it back in the next session of Congress because at least it will get a hearing in the House. Would make an excellent substitute bill for Obamacare but we would expect Obama to veto it because it makes common sense, and he had nothing to do with it.

Now we learn the waivers are favoring the unions which is no shock as they are in Obama's hip pocket. When looking at the list, it gives you an idea why the Democrats didn't want to publish the list and waited until Friday afternoon to post it on-line. Do Democrats seriously think that the information will be buried forever with this stunt? Sure seems they do.

Obamacare Waivers Prove Policy is a Jobs Killer, Unions Benefit Mostby Warner Todd Huston

111 companies and organizations were granted waivers by Obama’s Dept. of Health and Human Services so that they could get out of having to comply with Obamacare and unions were particularly well rewarded by the HHS with these waivers.

Interestingly, there was no great announcement of these waivers issued to the press. The HHS buried the waiver announcement six layers deep on its webpage and posted them on Friday when they imagined no one would notice. It’s a typical Friday evening document dump so common when an administration wants to avoid the prying eyes of the people. So much for the “most transparent administration in history,” eh?

One thing is sure about these waivers. Obama rewarded his union pals quite well. Som 15 unions and union healthcare or financial fund and insurance providers fill the list of companies and groups that will not have to operate under Obamacare’s destructive rules.

The Service Employees Benefit Fund
United Food and Commercial Workers Allied Trade Health & Welfare Trust Fund
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union No. 195
Asbestos Workers Local 53 Welfare Fund
Employees Security Funds
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 123 Welfare Fund
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 227
United Food and Commercial Workers Maximus Local 455
Service Employees International Union Local 25
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1262
Musicians Health Fund Local 802
Hospitality Benefit Fund Local 17
Transport Workers Union
United Federation of Teachers Welfare Fund
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (AFL-CIO)

Interestingly enough, Obama has waived the onerous Obamacare rules for quite a few healthcare providers, too. One wonders how good Obamacare could be if the rules are waived for actual healthcare providers?

Most outrageous addition to the waiver list is the exemption that New England Health Care got. Is NEHC a healthcare provider or insurance company, you ask? Nope. It’s a policy group that, according to its website, is “dedicated to transforming health care for the benefit of patients and their families.”

As Jazz Shaw notes the irony is rich.

So an institute dedicated to finding ways to reform the health care system had to apply for an exemption from the administration’s reforms to the health care system? Keep your eyes on the news next week, as I’m fairly sure that the heads of some immigration reform lobbying groups will be deported.

In any case, this list shows that HHS realizes how bad Obamacare is for the healthcare plans on a wide range of industries, so bad that the new rules had to be waived. And remember. Once Obama waives all these businesses from having to put up with Obamacare, that just puts more burden on the rest of us that aren’t big campaign donors to Obama’s warchest,

Excerpt: For a full list of waivers visit Big Government.com

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