"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jed Babbin: Inside the Obama Doctrine for American decline

This article by Jed Babbin gives the facts on the Obama Doctrine for American decline which sends chills up your spine. Find it hard to fathom that Obama lectures and scolds leaders of foreign countries when they don't do what he says. He apologizes because the United State is a dominant power as he doesn't want us to be. What kind of warped thinking is that?

Obama systematically is trying to destroy the the dominance of the United States. His actions since that fateful day in January 2009 when he took the oath of office, have been to dis our allies and be overly friendly with our enemies. Between Obama and Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, strutting around the World, our allies have to wonder what happened to the United States as they both are selling us out to dictators, Muslims, Socialist, and Communist.

The lapdog media has spent countless hours defending Obama and his Administration but even now some members of the media are finally removing their rose colored glasses as they are witnessing what is happening. Maybe they are finally concerned about the part of the Constitution that guarantees Freedom of the Press. They need to think long and hard about what they have done to protect Obama and this Administration and ask themselves if it was all worth the price of turning their back on journalistic integrity. Maybe they have decided they don't like being dissed by Obama and Gibbs, his puppet, posing as the Press Secretary who gets nasty or laughs when a reporter wants facts instead of spin.

This is about the security of the United States and time the American people who voted this unknown into the highest office also take off their rose colored glasses and realize the man in the White House is not acting in the best interest of the security of the United States and its citizens.

The people who understand National Security and what is at stake are coming out more and more against Obama and members of his Administration. It is time We The People listen carefully to what they are telling us because it is in our best interest to make sure that on November 2nd, 2010, we elect the people to Congress to fight against what is being done to our national security by Obama and members of his Administration including the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

This article gives the details of what Obama is doing and it is frankly scary that this man with his background was elected President.

Jed Babbin: Inside the Obama Doctrine for American decline
By: Jed Babbin
OpEd Contributor
April 27, 2010

Every world leader's foreign policy goals comprise what the press and historians label his "doctrine." What is the Obama Doctrine?

At the end of the recent nuclear summit, Obama spoke of nuclear proliferation and the Middle East, saying, "It is a vital national security interest of the United States to reduce these conflicts because, whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower. And when conflicts break out, one way or another, we get pulled into them."

The Obama Doctrine seeks to avoid the burden of the latter by reducing America from the former.

Obama's utopian goal is a world without nuclear weapons. And though U.S. lives are being spent to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan, Obama said last year that the war in Afghanistan isn't about victory:

"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur." (Hirohito didn't walk the deck of the USS Missouri, his ministers did.)

Obama acts in disregard of historical fact and fails to pursue America's best interests. In too many instances, he has chosen to cower, in others contravening every principle America has stood for since July 4, 1776.

Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have agreed to the Islamic states' position that, until Israelis and Palestinians are at peace, there can be no peace anywhere else in the Middle East. Obama now hopes that, if he can force Israel to agree to the creation of a Palestinian state, an Arab coalition will help him pressure Iran to give up its nuclear program.

But with the exceptions of Jordan under King Hussein and Egypt under Sadat, the Arab states have never recognized Israel's right to exist. The fact that the Palestinians have never renounced terrorism and continue to insist that Israel has no right to exist makes peace impossible until they do.

Nevertheless, Obama seeks to force Israel to cease settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank and agree to an independent Palestinian state. When Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu visited the White House in March, he was treated as if he were a rebellious teenager.

When Netanyahu tried to explain why he wouldn't agree to a cessation of settlements, Obama walked out on Netanyahu to eat dinner, telling him to advise Obama if he had changed his mind. Netanyahu left without having been accorded the diplomatic courtesies Obama grants America's enemies.

If Obama wanted to generate an Israeli-Palestinian agreement, he would insist that the Arabs and the Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist as a precondition to negotiations. But he won't, because he has decided Israel is the obstacle to peace.

Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai is no Thomas Jefferson, and Obama is no Henry Kissinger. Kissinger used back-channel private communications to considerable success. Obama is a public scold.

At the outset of the Afghanistan troop surge, Obama set a date for the beginning of the end of the counterinsurgency in Afghanistan: July 2011. Obama must know his political deadline is unattainable, but he continues to insist on it.

When Obama visited Karzai in March, he ripped the Afghan president for corruption and for failing to match America's military effort with rapid political progress. And then leaked all of that to the press.

Nationalist Karzai replied in belligerent speeches, condemning the foreign presence in Afghanistan, even threatening at one point to join the Taliban.

Excerpt: Read More at Washington Examiner

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