"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Violent Pro Illegal Immgration Protest in Arizona

Arizona passes a tough immigration bill and people in this country ILLEGALLY go on a rampage of violence. Something is very wrong with that picture. They should be arrested and deported. They have no right to rally or be violent when they shouldn't be here in the first place. Coming to America illegally should mean you do not have rights that citizens and people in this Country legally are entitled.,

Guess they were afraid to riot in Oklahoma when we passed our tough immigration bill. Illegals fled Oklahoma which tells us that AZ has not only a lot more illegals than most places but for years they had a Governor, Janet Napolitano, who turned her head and didn't see the problems caused by illegals. Unfortunately she is now the head of Homeland Security and not answering the request for help from the States along the border to stem the stream of illegals escaping the drug wars of Mexico.

There is no way the Tea Party people would ever act like this -- they are conservatives who will yell and scream at a rally but violence is not their nature. Yet, people like Clinton are talking about them being prone to violence.

Where is Clinton and others condemning people who are in this country illegals for committing violence. They shouldn't even be here, but should be back in their home Country.

From Flopping Aces: Violent Pro Illegal Immigration Protest in Arizona

Posted by: Mike's America

Where is Bill Clinton?

This ain’t no Tea Party!

Really, where is Bill Clinton? Wasn’t he lecturing us just a week ago that protests could lead to violence? Where are all the media talking heads who echoed Clinton’s absurd attempt to link the Tea Partiers to violence? Yet, here’s a riot started by protesters against the new law in Arizona to toughen up enforcement on illegal immigration in Phoenix on April 23. Bottles were hurled at police and threats of violence that make even the rowdiest Tea Party look like a church picnic.
You’ll see the bottles thrown here, striking police officers who try to usher a lone anti-illegal immigration protester from the scene for his own safety:

The scene from overhead clearly shows a fusillade of bottles being thrown at the Police:

Once again, violent agitators of the left take to the streets breaking our laws and the silence from Democrats who condemn peaceful protests by Tea Partiers is stunning!

Source: Flopping Aces

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