"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Grayson crashes local GOP meeting, tells Orange mayoral critic “take a walk”

Cong Grayson from Orlando caught on tape being his obnoxious self -- that should be a targeted seat to defeat Grayson, the Democrat. The man is mentally unstable at times as witnessed in the video:

U.S. Rep Alan Grayson, D-Orlando, walked in on an Orange County Republican Executive Committee meeting Thursday night at a Perkins restaurant and got into a confrontation with county mayoral candidate Matthew Falconer, a tense face-off caught by a couple cell phone cameras.

In the video, Grayson reads from a flier that describes a recent Republican infiltration of a pro-Obama group, and a promise to dish those details at this next GOP meeting. Grayson chides the Republican attendees for sinking so low as to spy on the other side.

Today, Grayson said he was attending a community home owner’s association meeting in another part of the restaurant that night, and decided to share his displeasure with the contents of the flier with the GOP party members.

“That’s political dirty tricks,” Grayson said today. “I went over to find out what their side of the story was, and whether they approved of that.”

Soon after he finishes reading the flier, Falconer demands Grayson apologize to Lew Oliver for what he said about him in a recent email: “Oliver couldn’t find his rear end with both hands, unless there was a twenty-dollar bill sticking out of it.” Falconer and Grayson encourage one another to leave in a pretty heated face-to-face.

“I gave them a chance to explain how they felt about it, and they didn’t do a very good job,” Grayson said today. “The Republican Party is resorting to its Nixonian roots: corruption, lying and spying.”

There’s sloppy cell-phone videos of this encounter roaming around, but WDBO posted the cleanest, albeit sometimes crooked version of it:

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