"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Frank Gaffney: Is Petraeus Going Native?

It seems to be a daily occurrence that we learn our National Security is threatened in some way by Obama or someone from his Administration. Our latest is John Brennan who he is the Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. With people like Brennan in the Obama Administration, terrorist organizations seem to have a supporter who is trying to justify their existence. Hard to believe someone like this is an advisor to the President. If you are judged by the people you keep around you, then Obama's outreach to terrorist organizations fits perfectly with the Brennan or Obama agenda.

"White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan speaks to reporters in the White House Jan. 7. (AP Photo)

The president's top counterterrorism adviser on Wednesday called jihad a "legitimate tenet of Islam," arguing that the term "jihadists" should not be used to describe America's enemies.

During a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, John Brennan described violent extremists as victims of "political, economic and social forces," but said that those plotting attacks on the United States should not be described in "religious terms."

He repeated the administration argument that the enemy is not "terrorism," because terrorism is a "tactic," and not terror, because terror is a "state of mind" -- though Brennan's title, deputy national security adviser for counterterrorism and homeland security, includes the word "terrorism" in it. But then Brennan said that the word "jihad" should not be applied either.

"Nor do we describe our enemy as 'jihadists' or 'Islamists' because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children," Brennan said.

The technical, broadest definition of jihad is a "struggle" in the name of Islam and the term does not connote "holy war" for all Muslims. However, jihad frequently connotes images of military combat or warfare, and some of the world's most wanted terrorists including Usama bin Laden commonly use the word to call for war against the West.
Finding out where Brennan stands as the Counterterrorism Advisor on Homeland Security to Obama sheds light on how far out of touch this Administration is with the American people who view these terrorists organizations as terrorists not some middle of the road religious organization. These people are fanatics that want to destroy the infidels of the West in the name of Allah which includes the vast majority of Americans in this country.

Once again we go back to the upbringing of Obama who in early years was schooled in a Catholic school in Indonesia. Since he was enrolled in school as a Muslim, he took lessons in Islam during the day and attended a mosque with his stepfather. When his mother sent him back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents, he was tutored by Franklin Marshall Davis, a known Communist who arranged his entry into Chicago politics through friends of his. Obama never has been mainstream in his formative years and it shows in his ideology and outreach to enemies of the United States. His contempt for most of his fellow countrymen (whites) is duly noted along with his contempt for Great Britain and Israel.

This outreach to terrorists organizations run by Islamic radicals, is mind boggling and frankly scary. What next? Invite them to live in the United States and mainstream them into American life?

The notion that Hezbollah can be weaned from its client relationship with Tehran – either on the basis of appeals to its nationalist ardor or because of Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan’s stated willingness to engage with its so-called “moderate elements” – is unsubstantiated by any material facts.
You don't have to be a genius to know that Hezbollah is NOT moderate in any way shape or form but yet we have the advisor to the President advocating willingness to engage with terrorists. What is going on? These people want to kill us and change the way of life in America to that of a Muslim Nation and a National Security advisor in this Administration thinks there are moderates in Hezbollah?

Gaffney's final analysis of this leaked document sums up what has been happening with our military leaders who rose through the ranks thanks to Bill Clinton. Part of it is due to the fact that a lot of our young military leaders retired or resigned during the Clinton years and Clinton generals have rose up to positions of power. Whatever it is, we sure do miss Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Richard Myers, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and General Tommy Franks. Cannot imagine any of them putting up with this nonsense out of CENTCOM.

If there is any glimmer of good news in Mark Perry’s portrayal of the leaked Red Team analysis it is that, even though “There is a lot of thinking going on in the military and particularly among intelligence officers in Tampa [the site of CENTCOM headquarters] about these groups,” according to an unnamed senior CENTCOM officer familiar with the report, “senior military leaders are [not] actively lobbying Barack Obama's administration to forge an opening to the two organizations. ‘That's probably not in the cards just yet,’ he said.”

The bad news is that, given the determination of the Obama administration to isolate and undermine Israel, it is not clear that much “active lobbying” on the part of Central Command will be necessary to egg it on. But the political cover provided by General Petraeus, or at least by his CENTCOM staff, will surely come in handy for Team Obama when the chickens of the war that such policies will inevitably encourage come home to roost.
There used to be a campaign commercial "Do you feel safer today?" The answer is a resounding NO! When President Bush was in office along with Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, they took a lot of heat from the news media and the American people after 9/11 when the President declared War on Terror and named the Axis of Evil, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. Today only one of those, Iraq, is not a threat because we took out Saddam before something could happen to him and his lunatic sons took over Iraq. Did we feel safer when President Bush was in office -- ABSOLUTELY!

President Bush strengthened our ties with Israel who is our closest ally (or was before Obama) and is our eyes and ears in the Middle East. Israel has suffered greatly at the hands of the terrorist and now Obama and his people seem willing to toss Israel to the thugs of the Middle East who run the terrorist organizations.

Hope this Country has learned a lesson about electing someone as President with zero experience, no background in American culture, and whose best friends in Chicago were domestic terrorists and black liberation supporters. That was a prescription for disaster which the mainstream media should have reported but chose to hide the ties. The United States is paying for that blantant bias news reporting making Obama out to be a savior of the Country when Obama was far from that. Obama is a radical leftist any way you want to portray him who wants to destroy out way of life.

This article from Frank Gaffney, paints a portrait of an Administration that should scare all freedom loving Americans.
Is Petraeus Going Native?
Wednesday, 30 Jun 2010 10:54 PM Article Font Size
By: Frank Gaffney

Hamas Diplomats

It was bad enough when, two months ago, word got around that U.S. Central Command’s commanding general, David Petraeus, had embraced the meme that Americans were being killed in his theater of operations because Israel had refused to make peace with its Palestinian enemies.

Now comes word that elements within his command – including many of its “senior officers” and “intelligence personnel” – believe the United States should abandon its longstanding policy of “isolating and marginalizing” Hamas and Hezbollah.

According to an article entitled, “Red Team: CENTCOM thinks outside the box on Hamas and Hezbollah” by Mark Perry published today online by Foreign Policy magazine, a Red Team at Central Command is recommending “a mix of strategies that would integrate the two organizations into their respective political mainstreams.” The justification for treating these designated terrorist organizations as though they were part of the solution is to be found in the following, astounding remarks by unidentified CENTCOM officers:

“Putting Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaida in the same sentence, as if they are all the same, is just stupid,” [one] said. “I don't know any intelligence officer at CENTCOM who buys that." Another mid-level SOCOM [Special Operations Command] officer echoed these views: “As the U.S. strategy in the war on terrorism evolves, military planners have come to realize that they are all motivated by different factors, and we need to address this if we are going to effectively prosecute a successful campaign in the Middle East.”

The contention that Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaida are “motivated by different factors” is pure Brotherhood taqqiya – dissembling for the faith. Its embrace by anyone, let alone by intelligence personnel and senior military officers, constitutes an appalling dereliction of the “professional duty to know” the facts.

The reality is that all these groups absolutely, positively are the same in one respect, at least: They all share a commitment to the theo-political-legal-military program authoritative Islam calls Shariah.

As adherents to Shariah, they are all pursuing the same goal: the global triumph of Shariah under a theocratic Caliphate. Their tactics may differ from time to time, depending on circumstance. But what is really “stupid” is the notion that such differences or even structural differences actually preclude these groups and many others promoting Shariah (notably, the Taliban) from being kindred spirits – and unalterably our enemies.

Further evidence of the defective nature of the CENTCOM Red Team analysis can be found in the emphasis it reportedly places on “a quote from Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, stating that if Lebanon and Iran's interests ever conflicted, his organization would favor Lebanese interests.” According to Perry, the Red Team concluded that “Hezbollah's activities increasingly reflect the movement's needs and aspirations in Lebanon, as opposed to the interests of its Iranian backers.”

The notion that Hezbollah can be weaned from its client relationship with Tehran – either on the basis of appeals to its nationalist ardor or because of Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan’s stated willingness to engage with its so-called “moderate elements” – is unsubstantiated by any material facts. Random quotes, particularly those cited out of context, are of course not at all the same thing as an established pattern of behavior on Hezbollah’s part that demonstrates the proxy’s actual independence from its Iranian masters. No such pattern can be discerned. The same dependency on Iran is operating with Hamas, as well, to say nothing of Syria.


Welcome to Washington, Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Read More at: Newsmax

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