"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hillary Clinton Versus The Black Panther Party And ACORN

If you only read one website about The New Black Panther Partyvoter intimidation, make sure it is the July 9, 2010, article on Hillaryis44.org which details Hillary Clinton versus The Black Panther Party and ACORN. We are only covering the highlights of the article on DfS, but we agree with them that Republicans need to wake up and realize what we are facing in the 2010 election.

We have no idea how many New Black Panther Party members they are, but they could be very dangerous to our right to vote especially in the cities on November 2nd. Now that we know the DOJ has no intention of reigning them in by their actions along with the willingness of their political appointed lawyers to lie, we are faced with getting local law enforcement to enforce the voting rights laws.

After watching the video by Big Government in the post below wanted to find out more information about New Black Panther Party intimidation of Democrat primary voters. While researching, found this site, Hillaryis44.org and decided it would make an interesting read as it was just posted yesterday. Figured it had to do with the voter intimidation during the Democrat primaries which we had viewed in 2008. After viewing those videos in 2008, we were left with the feeling that Hillary should have won the primary not Obama because the obvious intimidation and voter fraud pointed to a Hillary victory. We have wondered why at the Democrat Convention they stopped the voting. Was it close or did Hillary actually win?

That said, we were not prepared to read all that was posted on Hillary is 44 concerning voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers. Frightening may not be a strong enough word as they are protected by Obama and Holder.

This video is a must see from Fox News about the DOJ dismissing the Black Panther case. The interview with Bartle Bull, a Civil Rights Lawyer who goes back to supporting voting rights during the era of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and who is a life long Democrat will send chills down your spine. Watch the video and realize what could lie ahead in 2010 and 2012:

We found these comments from the Hillaryis44.org website particularly chilling:

Barack Obama’s ties to ACORN are long and enduring. The public face of ACORN as a defender of inner city communities hides the private face of ACORN as a hierarchy of corruption. Like Ted Kennedy (and Al Sharpton) who pretended to be neutral in the primaries of 2008, ACORN also pretended neutrality. Eventually Ted Kennedy made his corrupt bargain with Obama public (Sharpton knew public support would harm Obama so he kept quiet but privately to Obama corrupt Al Sharpton said “I’m gonna do whatever I gotta do to help you… I won’t endorse you or not endorse you.”). Eventually ACORN made it’s long secret endorsement public too.

After the secret endorsement was made public, Barack Obama paid ACORN to get out his vote although we did not find out about it till it was too late.

“Barack Obama’s failure to accurately report his campaign’s financial records is an incredibly suspicious situation that appears to be an attempt to hide his campaign’s interaction with a left-wing organization previously convicted of voter fraud. For a candidate who claims to be practicing ‘new’ politics, his FEC reports look an awful lot like the ‘old-style’ Chicago politics of yesterday.” [snip]

“All of this just seems like an awful lot of money and time spent on political campaigning for an organization that purports to exist to help low-income consumers,” said Terry, chief public advocate for Consumers Rights League, a Washington, D.C., advocacy outfit with a libertarian outlook. [snip]

The Ohio primary was March 4. According to FEC records, the Obama campaign paid Citizens Services Inc. $832,598.29, from Feb. 25 to May 17.”
ACORN is more than a little nut. The dangerous nut to crack is the New Black Panther Party which is repudiated by the earlier Black Panther Party. A video of the New Black Panther Party demonstrates the shabbiness of Obama’s protectors:

“Bartle Bull accuses the Obama Administration of corruption in handling the Philadelphia Black Panthers charges of Voter Intimidation in the November 2008 case that was dismissed by Steve Rosenbaum & Loretta King, both political appointees working in the Obama Administration.”

If this video isn't chilling, nothing is. Why is this man not in custody with his threats on killing 'crackers' and threatening a multi-racial couple? Is it true the New Black Panthers have a blank check to do what they want by the DOJ? If so, it is scarier than we originally imagined?

Please go read the complete posting on Hillaryis44.org and share it with people you know. Our post before this one along with this post should scare everyone about what could happen in November. Local authorities have to be prepared as it is obvious the DOJ by their actions has no intention of stopping the New Black Panthers. The proof came when the Civil Rights Commission allowed the New Black Panthers into the hearing to try and intimidate longtime Civil Rights Attorney Bartle Bull who was testifying as a witness to the Voter Intimidation in Philadelphia. These New Black Panthers will stop at nothing because they know they are protected by Obama and Holder.

Bartle Bull has earned our respect because he is standing up for all our rights to vote free of intimidation no matter who you are -- he truly believes in one man, one vote for every 'legal' voter. Republicans, Independents, and Democrats who care about fair elections need to join with Attorney Bull and others to ensure every last legal American has a right to vote without intimidation and have their vote counted without voter fraud.

The United States sends people like Jimmie Carter to foreign countries to oversee their elections to make sure they are honest. Wonder if Iraq would be willing to send their people to the United States to oversee our 2010 election? Iraq leaders figured out a way to ensure it is one person one vote in Iraq -- shame we cannot say the same for the United States today.

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