"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama hits even lower with his Texas Wildfire Joke

When you think that Obama cannot go any lower he manages to do just that with his joke about Governor Perry and the Texas Wildfires.  It is getting even more obvious that he is not President of anyone who doesn't believe in what he believes.  We are just to be tossed aside.

All you have to do is see Obama's reaction to the blue states with that 'huge' Category I hurricane with declaring it a disaster area before it happened compared to any disaster in Middle America that takes forever to get FEMA involved. Time after time Obama has taken months to declare a disaster area in our part of the Country and several times he has turned down the request to make the Governor's go back with an appeal.  His obvious hatred of Red States shows but we are more willing to show him what we think of him and his jokes at the expense of those who lost their homes this year due to wildfires at the ballot box in November 2012.  In facs the amount of homes lost due to wildfires this year in TX, NM, AZ, and OK far exceed the homes lost to that "gigantic" Category I hurricane.
Perry outraged at Obama's Texas wildfire joke 
byCharlie Spiering Commentary Staff Writer
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While at a highdollar fundraiser San Jose, California, President Obama ridiculed Rick Perry:
"You’ve got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change." Obama said to laughter and applause, and added, "No, no, it’s true!" 
“It’s outrageous President Obama would use the burning of 1,500 homes, the worst fires in state history, as a political attack,” Perry spokesman Ray Sullivan said. “This from a president whose nation is financially suffering and his solution is taking more money away from families by raising taxes on families and small businesses.” 
Source:  Washington Examiner
Obama once again shows his lack of class which seems to be a habit.  Typical Obama with a Government shutdown looming at midnight on the 30th of September that he would be out fundraising using AF One to fly around the Country again.  Is the DNC reimbursing the Air Force or is this a question the Obama media refuses to ask?

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