"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Special Relationship is under fire: Barack Obama’s refusal to back Britain over the Falklands is a disgrace

Almost immediately after President Obama was sworn in a little over a year ago, it appears he set out to destroy the relationship we have with Great Britain, our strongest ally, who has been a strong partner for the United States for years. "Why?" we have been asking for months as it makes no sense unless you consider that Obama considers himself a son of Kenya.

Obama may go down in history as the most anti-American President in history as shown by his almost hostile relationship with most of our NATO allies, his playing up to our enemies, and his endless apologies around the World for the United States. Immigrants from various countries have looked at America as a Beacon of Freedom over the years as they come to our Country looking for a better life for them and their families. Ellis Island has log book after log book filled with names of people who came to America for Freedom. Now we have an American President who wants to destroy 'Freedoms' in this Country.

Obama bows to the Saudi King and the Japanese Emperor while treating the Queen of England as his next door neighbor with little regard to protocol. American President's do not bow to anyone. At the Organization of American States Summit he played up to the dictators of the Western Hemisphere while dissing the countries loyal to the United States like Colombia who we are helping in their drug lord war fight. He seems to have never met a dictator or communist head of state he doesn't like but if a country was an ally, they are now on Obama's hit list.

We are not the only ones who have noticed this as we found this paragraph from the London Telegraph telling:

Even by the relentlessly poor standards of the Obama administration, whose doctrine unfailingly appears to be “kiss your enemies and kick your allies”, this is a new low. The White House’s neutrality in a major dispute between America’s closest friend and the likes of Venezuelan tyrant Hugo Chavez, Argentina’s biggest backer, represents the appalling appeasement of an alliance of anti-Western Latin American regimes, stretching from Caracas to Havana – combined with a callous indifference towards the Anglo-American alliance.
Countries around the world have Obama pegged, and they are correct relationships will be strained while he is in the White House. Our allies are not the only ones waking up to what this President is, but so are our enemies.

This President is spineless, rude, arrogant, and acts like a spoiled brat when he doesn't he get his way as witnessed by what happened yesterday in the Healthcare Summit where Obama lectured for more minutes then either the Democrats told their sob stories or Republicans told the facts of Democrat Healthcare bills. If what we witnessed yesterday is an indication of how he handles being in meetings with foreign leaders, it is no wonder our allies question his actions on foreign policy.

Our State Department is not any better so anyone thinking Hillary would have been better as President, think again as witnessed by their quotes on The Falklands and their actions on Honduras -- BTW, whatever happened in Honduras after their elections as we hear nothing more about how wrong it was to kick out a President who went against the Constitution. Is Obama afraid that it might come back to bite?

From the State Department spokesman:

“We are aware not only of the current situation but also of the history, but our position remains one of neutrality. The US recognises de facto UK administration of the islands but takes no position on the sovereignty claims of either party.”

The remarks had echoes of an earlier statement by a senior State Department protocol official who, when asked about the shoddy treatment of the British Prime Minister in March last year, responded:

“There’s nothing special about Britain. You’re just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn’t expect special treatment.”

This Administration is a disgrace on the world stage. We would bet if the Olympics had been held in Venzuela, Obama would have gone instead of sending the "do nothing" Biden as he describes his job as Vice President.

The next time the American people are faced with a Presidential election, they had better be demanding candidates show everything from a formal birth certificate to academic paperwork to anything they have written as adults plus their medical record all of which Obama has kept secret.

One problem we see even when we acknowledge that Obama was most likely born in Hawaii was that he was not raised in an environment that could be called American. He spent his formative young years in Indonesia going to a Catholic school as a Muslim, went to live in Hawaii with his grandparents and was under the influence of family friend, Communist Franklin Marshal Davis, who introduced him into the Chicago political scene and to the Ayers Family. As an adult, Obama attended Rev Wright's Church which is known for its black liberation philosophy and support for black Afrocentrists. Rev Wright, as a former Muslim, caters to other Muslims so they can attend a 'Christian' church for business purposes and cover up the fact they are Muslim.

You may ask yourself what the last paragraph has to do with the United States and its special relationship with Great Britian, but you need to look no farther then the fact Obama's father was a Kenyan socialist. When Obama Sr was born and growing up, Kenya was a Crown Colony under the rule of Great Britain. At the time of Obama's birth, Kenya was in the process of becoming an independent country from Great Britain. This may be an underlying cause for Obama's contempt for Great Britain. It is as good of theory as any.

In 2012 we need to elect a President who understands our special relationships around the World especially with Great Britain and honor those relationships not kick them to the curb as Obama as done. In one year Obama has managed to wreck our foreign policy that has stood for years and the American economy. Obama likes the perks as President as he travels on AF One at the drop of a hat and hosts parties every week but allows others (Chicago White House Mafia?) determine policy.

After his arrogant, self-centered, long winded lecture yesterday, it is obvioius that he doesn't even grasp what is in the healthcare bill he has been touting for years. With that we can safely assume, that policy making in the White House is not being done by the President. Who is the main voice behind Obama on policy? Is it Emanual, Jarrett, Axelrod, or Soros who is outside the Administration. Do we have a shadow government calling the shots? Maybe when history is written, we will find out the truth.

Read this article and ask yourself what have the American people done in putting a son of a Kenyan socialist, someone mentored by a Communist friend of his mother's family, who is/was a friend of domestic terrorists, and had a minister who preaches black liberation in the Office of the President of the United States.
The Special Relationship is under fire: Barack Obama’s refusal to back Britain over the Falklands is a disgrace

By Nile Gardiner World
Last updated: February 25th, 2010

The Obama administration’s decision to remain neutral in the dispute between Great Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands is a shameful decision that will go down very badly across the Atlantic. As The Times has just reported, Washington has point blank refused to support British sovereignty over the Falklands, and is adopting a strictly neutral approach.


Over the course of the last year, we’ve seen a staggering array of foreign policy follies by this administration, from the throwing under the bus of the Poles and the Czechs over missile defence to siding with Marxists in Honduras. But this latest pronouncement surely takes the biscuit as the most brazen betrayal so far of a US ally.

As the Obama government is amply aware, the tensions between London and Buenos Aires are escalating dramatically, with British military contingency planning already under way. In effect, Washington declared today that it would remain neutral in the event of another war in the South Atlantic, a stunning declaration to make.


To put it bluntly, the Obama administration is killing the Special Relationship, and the prospects of a recovery look extremely bleak as long as Barack Obama remains in the White House.

I am in no doubt though that messages of support for Britain will begin to flow in the coming days from Senators and Congressmen who actually understand the importance of Anglo-American friendship and loyalty, and who recognize the tremendous value of the ancestral, linguistic, economic, cultural, military and intelligence ties that bind the two greatest nations in the world. And I am very sure that the vast majority of Americans will reject the spineless neutrality of the White House and State Department, and wholeheartedly support the British people in the event of another conflict.

Excerpt: Read More at London Telegraph

Powerline this morning has another take on this and lends credibility to the question of "Why does Obama hate England?":

Mel and Barack: What do they have in Common?
Feb 25, 2010

They both hate England, apparently. The difference is that Mel Gibson's antipathy, as expressed in Braveheart and The Patriot, is mostly fictional. Why Barack Obama hates England is hard to say, but his antipathy is distressingly real. Now, Obama has declared that the U.S. is neutral with regard to the Falklands. The Telegraph headlines: "Et tu, Barack? America betrays Britain in her hour of need"

Excerpt: Read More at Powerline

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