"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pawlenty to file exploratory committee today

Wanted to learn more about Tim Pawlenty so I ordered his book, Courage to Stand, and found it very interesting reading following my completion of the George W. Bush book, Decision Points.  After reading Pawlenty's book, I can understand why some people I know support him for President.  I think as more Americans get to hear his message, they will start to understand why he is running for President.  He didn't have an easy road as Governor with the Democrats in charge of the legislature but he was successful and found ways to make it work. 

His Introduction in his book caught my attention and reminded me of how many times around the kitchen table, current events and politics were discussed when I was growing up.  It was refreshing to read his comments and understand a little more about the former Governor of Minnesota Tim Pawlenty who has his feet planted on the ground and his priorities straight.  Below are a few paragraphs from his book:

America is in Trouble

People I talk to in every small town and big city across this great country of our recognize we're headed down a dangerous road.  Here's what I mean:

In the spring of 2010, the world watched in horror as Greece's financial system suffered a near-total meltdown.  There were protests and riots in the streets as a populace so addicted to entitlements and living the good life off the government dole faced the harsh reality that they might have to sacrifice what the government had promised them -- because the government simple had no more money to pay for it.  An entire population seemed horrified that they might to work past the common retirement age of six-one.  Imagine.

My family was eating breakfast one morning, discussion Greece and its financial trouble because it was in the newspaper.  Mara, my then-thirteen-year-old daughter, completely unprompted, with simplicity and clarity, looked at me and said, "That will be America soon."

That's a quote.  I didn't prompt her.  A thirteen-year old recognized America is spending blindly toward the edge of a cliff.  "That will be America soon."

If a child can see it, why6 can't the Washington establishment?  And yet here we are, face with the leadership at various levels of government -- especially the national level -- who are unwilling or unable to tack the real issues of our time.
Glad he is setting up the first step, an exploratory committee, to getting in the race in 2012 for President.  He completed his 4-year term as Governor and is ready to roll up his sleeves to run for President.  We have found him refreshing as some of the other potential candidates have been around too long and are so over exposed that we want someone new running against Obama in 2012. 

We are looking forward to learning more about the former Minnesota Governor who had a spine of steel against the Minnesota Democrat led legislature.

Pawlenty to file exploratory committee today

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty will file paperwork today to organize his bid for the White House into an exploratory committee, he told supporters on a conference call today.

"We're filing the paperwork today to form an exploratory committee to run for president of the United States," he said on the call, to which POLITICO dialed in, he said, saying the committee would allow him to take the "initial steps" to run for president.

The bid, to be announced on Facebook later today, will be headquartered in the Minneapolis.

An aide, Phil Musser, asked donors to wait until April 1 to contribute to Pawlenty's campaign, in order to avoid the impression that he'd tried and failed to raise much money in his first quarter.

"With all due respect for President Obama, I think he's taken this country in the wrong direction," Pawlenty told supporters. "This is the greatest nation this world has ever known and it's in trouble and it needs a new direction and it ned new leadership."

Pawlenty's aides also made the case for his candidacy

"Tim Pawlenty is the conservative in this race who can unite all elements of the Republican party, and can beat Barack Obama in 2012," said Musser, who cast Pawlenty's obscurity as a potential advantage. "The good news is that the governor is still largely unknown to most Republican primary voters -- that's an opportunity and a challenge for us."

Source: Politico

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