"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Human Events Exclusive Video Interview with Donald Trump

The following teaser from Human Events on You Tube is for their exclusive interview with Donald Trump from Trump Towers.

Sign up at Human Events to view the exclusive interview with American icon and potential 2012 GOP candidate Donald Trump sat down with Human Events for an exclusive 30-minute interview. See what he has to say about our economy, our military, and our future. Watch the first of 6 video segments. Visit HumanEvents.com for the other segments.
Can Donald Trump energize Republicans if he decides to run in 2012? Time will tell but we are not counting him out. At least he speaks his mind without spin which is very much of a positive because you know exactly where he stands.

In the first segment of his interview we agree that the United States should not be the world's policeman. We have always been told it is up to the United Nations to do the policing on the streets like in Iraq and Afghanistan but our recent Presidents have not stood up and told the UN to do its job. One thing I would love to see out of Donald Trump as President would be to take on the United Nations and demand they live up to their Charter.

From the interview, we are getting more of an indication that Donald Trump is serious about running.  As Trump pointed out airports in Third World countries are better than some of the major airports in the United States like LaGuardia in New York.  Couldn't agree more with Trump that our infrastructure is in bad shape after being ignored for years.  We have bridges in Oklahoma that are unsafe and just now are starting to be fixed.  Several bridges where I live shed concrete onto I-35, but are now in the process of finally being repaired.  Roads and bridges need to have constant supervision and fixed before they get so bad you have to tear up the whole road or replace an entire bridge.

We are looking forward to hearing more of what Donald Trump has to say in the months ahead as he will make his decision in early summer whether to run for President or not!

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