"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Washington Whispers: Earth Day Ends Obama's 53,300 Gallon Trip

This is one American who could care less about what Obama has to say about Earth Day after wasting our tax dollars flying around the Country for a fundraiser and what was obvious a campaign swing.  This article shows the hypocrisy of Barack Obama for all to see and in particular these two paragraphs:

During his trip, Obama's 30-car motorcade was used to carry him to events. His limo, and there are usually two in the motorcade, gets a high of 8-10 miles per gallon, according to industry estimates, ironic considering his recent criticism of low-mileage cars. In Pennsylvania earlier this month, he mocked low-mileage vehicles that get 8 miles per gallon, like heavy duty work trucks.

"If you're complaining about the price of gas and you're only getting 8 miles a gallon, you know," Obama said laughingly. "You might want to think about a trade-in."
Does this mean he plans on trading in the limos. This 3-day trip was obviously political so is the DNC or Obama campaign going to reimburse the Air Force for approximately $180,000 spent on fuel for Air Force One not to mention crew, food, alcohol, etc? We are not holding our breath!

We have Obama celebrating Earth Day  flying around the Country again on our nickle because he has to  raise money for his campaign from Hollywood. That's obviously more important then anything else on the agenda. The nerve of this President to already start flying around the country on campaign trips when so much is happening in the world and the price of fuel is so high. Maybe Rev Manning is right about Obama and his lifestyle.

Paul Bedard has touched the pulse of the Nation as we are getting sick and tired of all the trips Obama is making at a huge cost to the taxpayer but then tells us to get a more fuel efficient vehicle to drive. Why doesn't Obama just stay home instead of using our tax dollars to campaign?  Pretty soon, it will be obvious to all the Obama never quit campaigning and used the Oval Office to keep his campaign going.  The formal announcement this far in advance was a joke as this man who said "I Won" has been in campaign mode the whole time he has been in office wasting our tax dollars and running up the deficit. 

Washington Whispers

Earth Day Ends Obama's 53,300 Gallon Trip
By Paul Bedard

Posted: April 22, 2011

President Obama declared today's 41st annual Earth Day proof of America's ecological and conservation spirit—then completed a three-day campaign-style trip logging 10,666 miles on Air Force One, eating up some 53,300 gallons at a cost of about $180,000. And that doesn't include the fuel consumption of his helicopter, limo, or the 29 other vehicles that travel with that car.

In a two-page statement issued before leaving Los Angeles, his last stop in a three city-fund-raising tour that also included important policy pronouncements like his plan to probe what's behind high gas prices, Obama proclaimed: "For over 40 years, our nation has come together on Earth Day to appreciate and raise awareness about our environment, natural heritage, and the resources upon which generations of Americans have depended. Healthy land and clean water and air are essential to the health of our communities and wildlife. Earth Day is an opportunity to renew America's commitment to preserving and protecting the state of our environment through community service and responsible stewardship."

[See a slide show of the 10 states that use the least energy.]

His proclamation added, "Our nation has a proud conservation tradition, which includes countless individuals who have worked to safeguard our natural legacy and ensure our children can benefit from these resources. Looking to the future of our planet, American leadership will continue to be pivotal as we confront the environmental challenges that threaten the health of both our country and the globe."

Unfortunately for any president, there is no way around traveling and the high costs of maintaining armored and militarized equipment sometimes make it a political target. The costs of travel by recent presidents have typically been investigated by opposing parties, but because the administrations and Secret Service don't discuss details like fuel consumption, those probes can't be exact in the total costs.

But it is pretty easy to ballpark the costs of most trips, like Obama's three-day tour. He started at the White House on Wednesday, flew out of Andrews Air Force Base and ended up in San Francisco. On Thursday, he flew to Reno and ended the day in Los Angeles. Today, he flew home, via Andrews Air Force Base.

According to the mileage calculator on webflyer.com, those trips total 10,666 air miles. Published reports say that Boeing 747s similar to Air Force One burn about 5 gallons per mile. With companies like Jet Blue now paying $3.37 a gallon, that’s a total fuel cost of $179,621.


Excerpt: Read More at US News and World Report

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