"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Attacking Obama over his real estate dealings with convicted Chicago slumlord Tony Rezko

We support Donald Trump on his wanting the American people to see Obama's birth certificate and other records including college records and real estate dealings in Chicago. The American people have a right to see the records and discover why Obama has spent over $2M keeping them sealed. That should be enough money to make anyone wonder including the Obama media.  That would be the day for the Obama media to actually question because most of the MSM is in the Obama camp and have no desire to find the truth and have their bubble burst.

We think that Rezko is a key to the underhanded dealings of Obama in Chicago that date back to when Franklin Marshall Davis first introduced him into Chicago politics. Today Valerie Jarrett, daughter-in-law of Davis' best friend, Vernon Jarrett, sits in the White House near Obama. Then you also have Valerie Jarrett's mother's close relationship with Tom Ayers, Bill Ayers father. Davis and Jarrett were both involved in the Communist party of the USA starting in the 50's along with Obama's grandfather, Stanley Dunham who became friends with Davis in Hawaii. The Dunham's when living in Seattle were members of a left-wing Unitarian church near Seattle. The church located in Bellevue, Washington was nicknamed "the little red church," because of it's communist leanings. All this background leads Obama to Chicago and eventual involvement with Rezko which may be the achilles heel the MSM doesn't want anyone to know about.

Will Donald Trump be able to break through the MSM and their 'Iron Curtain' they have erected around Obama? We are betting the answer is 'YES!' We believe that Canada Free Press may be right that the MSM are concentrating on the birth certificate to keep the Rezko connection quiet.  We will have more in the days ahead as we pull out some of the research from 2008/2009.  We do know that spending $2M to keep records quiet smells and Obama's book, "Dreams from My Father" is not factual and not written by Obama-- we would take that to the bank.  Obama had no relationship with his father but writes a book about him?  It was purely because he was running for President and to make money -- it worked because the MSM was to lazy to investigate that as well.
Attacking Obama over his real estate dealings with convicted Chicago slumlord Tony Rezko
Donald Trump Breaks Through the MSM Iron Curtain

- Fred Dardick Friday, April 22, 2011

Billionaire Donald Trump may be a publicity junkie and questionable presidential material. Athough who am I to say, just look at what we got right now—but he makes for one awesome Obama attack dog. With the self assurance that only money, power and celebrity can buy, Trump has been knocking down the walls the main stream media have erected around the President to expose parts of his background that liberals would prefer never see the light of day.

Trump has raised the issue regarding Obama’s birth certificate from conspiracy theory to legitimate topic of conversation. Finally someone has destroyed the false MSM narrative that a “Certificate of Live Birth” and a birth certificate are the same thing.

Last week Trump raised the stakes by attacking Obama over his real estate dealings with convicted Chicago slumlord Tony Rezko. While MSM reporters have been happily reporting the Trump birther issue, something they believe most Americans will just laugh away, they have not spent anywhere near the same energy publicizing Obama’s connections to Rezko, a story that could really hurt Obama should it become common knowledge.

There is no chuckling away Rezko’s purchase of the lot next to Obama’s Chicago home and the subsequent sale of a strip of land to Obama that “conferred a benefit by helping Obama obtain something he couldn’t otherwise afford”. In other words it was a payoff from a Chicago power player to an up and coming politician for services yet to be rendered. Already the MSM are circling the wagons on this story as a Google News search for “Trump and birther” shows 2,917 results while a search for “Trump and Rezko” yields only 13.

This past week CBS carried water for Obama once again by refusing to release the complete “hot mic” recording of his meeting with Democratic donors. It would seem CBS doesn’t want audio of the President referring “to a group of Americans as ‘slugs’” making it to the airwaves. One can only imagine how quickly it would have been released had the President been named Bush.

Trump has shown that direct confrontation with Obama is the best way forward in 2012 - Trump is only down 2 points to Obama in the latest Newsweek/Daily Beast poll. No longer can Republican candidates pull a John McCain and sit calmly on the sidelines while the liberal controlled media decides which Obama stories are newsworthy and which are not. The more Republicans expose of Obama’s shady past and unethical presidency to the American people, the better chance we have of putting the worst President in modern times behind us.

Source: Canada Free Press.com
Direct confrontation seems to be the ONLY way. While most of our candidates are saying Trump should back off, Donald Trump is doing the right thing to shine the light of truth on Obama and the media is in full meltdown attacking Trump which means he is hitting pay dirt. Why do so many Republicans including candidates want Trump to back off finding the truth on Obama. We are sick and tired of the no backbone candidates we keep getting. If the elitists and establishment of the GOP want to know why Trump is picking up steam -- look no further than their limp wristed approach they have had to Obama putting the birth certificate and records off limits. WHY?

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