"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Beth Butler, longtime director of Louisiana ACORN, fired in wake of Obama flap

Even ACORN is feeling the wrath of what happens to people that dare criticize Pres Obama. Talk about arrogance, this Administration is beginning to remind a lot of people of the Nixon years and the secretive nature along with enemies list. This should start making people ask what is wrong with Obama and his Administration that they want to curtail free speech. Is Obama that thin skinned that he cannot take any criticism which translates to his staff getting people fired, when possible, if someone criticizes the 'Leader?' In this case, it looks like the person speaking out on the visit was a volunteer who worked for the person who was fired. Scary!
Beth Butler, longtime director of Louisiana ACORN, fired in wake of Obama flap
Gordon Russell

Beth Butler, the longtime executive director of Lousiana ACORN, was terminated by the organization's national leadership today, just two days after local ACORN leaders ripped President Barack Obama's planned itinerary for a trip to New Orleans this week.

The criticism of the Obama itinerary was actually voiced by Vanessa Gueringer, an unpaid volunteer who heads ACORN's Lower 9th Ward chapter.

"I'm thrilled that he's coming," Gueringer said Saturday. "But," she added, in remarks aimed at the president, "we want to see that change that you ran your platform on. We want to see the hope that symbolized your campaign in our neighborhood.

The comments prompted an immediate rebuke from ACORN chief executive Bertha Lewis, who said Sunday the remarks were "without authority and do not reflect the position of the national leadership."

(Excerpt) Read more at nola.com

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