Everything can be best summed up by this quote:
"I will take the scientific method and open discourse over two noble peace prizes and slue of cherry picking ivory tower types any day of the week." - AnonymousReading this article reminded us of Al Gore's home in TN. While Al Gore was running around the world touting manmade Global Warming on his Gulfstream Private Jet, his Mansion was spinning the energy dials in Feb 2007.

The think tank report cited figures from the Nashville Electric Service that showed Gore burned through 22,619 kilowatt-hours of electricity at his house last August, a rate that is twice the level used by an average U.S. household in an entire year.
Click here to read the research center's press release on the report.We have discovered that Al Gore has taken his Mansion green but are unable to provide any figures of the savings.
We are not opposed to energy savings like using solar because we have had the experience of using solar hot water and it is great. What we oppose is the hysteria and outright lies on Global Warming told by the likes of Al Gore illustrated below with FACTs. Instead of being honest Democrats like Obama and Gore are adding to the hysteria of Global Warming with lies and half truths. Cap and Trade is nothing more then a payoff to contributors not real change. Obama and his Administration are using some junk science to try to ram their agenda through.
If this Administration and Democrats really cared, they would be promoting entrepeneurs to develop new and improved ways to save energy which make sense rather then wanting to tax everyone. There is a reason people call this bill Cap and Tax as Democrats never met a tax they didn't like.
Read this article below and then ask yourself what science that Cap and Trade is based along with the fear of Global Warming.
How the global warming industry is based on one MASSIVE lie
By James Delingpole Politics
Last updated: September 29th, 2009
For the growing band of AGW “Sceptics” the following story is dynamite. And for those who do believe in Al Gore’s highly profitable myth about “Man-Made Global Warming”, it will no doubt feel as comfortable as the rectally inserted suicide bomb that put paid to an Al Qaeda operative earlier this week.
Now read on.
Those of you who saw An Inconvenient Truth may remember, if you weren’t asleep by that stage, the key scene where big green Al deploys his terrifying graph to show how totally screwed we all are by man-made global warming. This graph – known as the Hockey Stick Curve – purports to show rising global temperatures through the ages. In the part representing the late twentieth century it shoots up almost vertically. To emphasise his point that this is serious and that if we don’t act NOW we’re doomed, Al Gore – wearing a wry smile which says: “Sure folks, this is kinda funny. But don’t forget how serious it is too” – climbs on to a mini-lift in order to be able to reach the top of the chart. Cue consensual gasps from his parti pris audience.
Except that the graph – devised in 1998 by a US climatologist called Dr Michael Mann - is based on a huge lie, as Sceptics have been saying for quite some time. The first thing they noticed is that this “Hockey Stick” (based on tree ring data, one of the most accurate ways of recording how climate changes over the centuries) is that it seemed completely to omit the Medieval Warming Period.
According to Mann’s graph, the hottest period in modern history was NOT the generally balmy era between 900 and 1300 but the late 20th century. This led many sceptics, among them a Canadian mathematician named Steve McIntyre to smell a rat. He tried to replicate Mann’s tree ring work but was stymied by lack of data: ie the global community of climate-fear-promotion scientists closed ranks and refused to provide him with any information that might contradict their cause.
This is the point where British climate change scientists appear – and in a most unedifying light. As Christopher Booker has reported the Met Office, its Hadley Centre in Exeter and the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at University of East Anglia are among the primary drivers of global climate change alarmism. Their data has formed the basis for the IPCC’s “we’re all doomed” reports; their scientists – among them Professor Phil Jones and tree ring expert Professor Keith Briffa – have been doughty supporters of Mann’s Hockey Stick theory and of the computer models showing inexorably rising temperatures.
Hence their misleading predictions of that “barbecue summer” we never had. As Booker says: “Part of the reason why the Met Office has made such a mess of its forecasts for Britain is that they are based on the same models which failed to predict the declining trend in world temperatures since 2001.
Excerpt: See Full Article at London Telegraph
The following links will provide more details on the lies about Global Warming brought to you be the scientific community who are not swayed by the rhetoric of Al Gore and the Progressive Democrats:
http://www.climateaudit.org/We found the following article showing once again the data that has been used to prove their point of global warming is very suspect once again. How many of these scientist touting global warming and the sky is falling have used flawed data to make a test show what they want instead of doing a scientific analysis. When did so many in the science community sell out to the likes of Al Gore and others.
Yamal: A "Divergence" Problem
by Steve McIntyre on September 27th, 2009
The second image below is, in my opinion, one of the most disquieting images ever presented at Climate Audit.
Two posts ago, I observed that the number of cores used in the most recent portion of the Yamal archive at CRU was implausibly low. There were only 10 cores in 1990 versus 65 cores in 1990 in the Polar Urals archive and 110 cores in the Avam-Taimyr archive. These cores were picked from a larger population - measurements from the larger population remain unavailable.
One post ago, I observed that Briffa had supplemented the Taimyr data set (which had a pronounced 20th century divergence problem) not just with the Sidorova et al 2007 data from Avam referenced in Briffa et al 2008, but with a Schweingruber data set from Balschaya Kamenka (russ124w), also located over 400 km from Taimyr.
Given this precedent, I examined the ITRDB data set for potential measurement data from Yamal that could be used to supplement the obviously deficient recent portion of the CRU archive (along the lines of Brifffa's supplementing the Taimyr data set.) Hantemirov and Shiyatov 2002 describe the Yamal location as follows:
Excerpt: For Full Article See Climate Audit.org
1 comment:
Check out this funny video of Al Gore singing "Unsustainable" about how humans are a curse on the Earth!
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