"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BP's Trade with Iran: From Environmental Disaster to National Security Threat

This video of Frank Gaffney who heads the Center for Security Policy interview with Larry Kudlow on CNBC sends chills up your spine.

Makes you wonder why this Administration has not been more on the offensive against BP with the oil leak in the Gulf. From Day One there has been something wrong about this whole deal from no fire booms on the coast required by the 1994 regulations to BP changing the procedures that very easily could have led to the disaster that killed 11 men. Why has Obama and his Administration been so slow to act? Are they are hiding something or just inept?

Gov Jindal of Louisiana has chosen to proceed with building sand berms skirting the coast line to try and stop this oil from getting into more marshlands of Louisiana. Oil is already pushing at least 12 miles into Louisiana’s marshes and two major pelican rookeries are now coated in crude. Gov Jindal has waiting weeks for a response from this Administration but they have stayed silent on his request.

Why has the Obama Administration been so slow to act? Guess BP knew what they were doing when they gave a lot of campaign contributions to Obama. Getting more obvious if you live in a Red State that this Administration is not quick to help out your State. He reminds a lot of people of some little kid who didn't get his way and threw a temper tantrum. He was definitely not ready to assume the responsibilities of becoming President and it shows. He would rather play than work. No one can ever complain that Obama is a workaholic -- more like a playaholic -- basketball or golf versus work and they win out every time.

BP's trade with Iran: From environmental disaster to national security threat
CNBC May 25, 2010

Frank Gaffney joins Larry Kudlow on CNBC to discuss the national security implications of British Petroleum's trade with Iran. While a BP rig exploded in the Gulf, the company was allowing the mullahs in Tehran to finance, among other things, its nuclear weapons project. The US military purchases hundreds of millions worth of oil from BP; under existing laws, the US has the right to cut ties with the petroleum company unless they stop doing business with the Islamic Republic.

For more information, see the Wall Street Journal article, "Oil Trade With Iran Thrives, Discreetly."

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