"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Read for yourself: The full text of Arizona's controversial illegal immigrant law

There has been so much written about this Arizona illegal immigrant law that has made a person wonder if the people writing and commenting even read the bill. Attorney General Eric Holder who attacked the bill had to admit he hadn't read the bill. What kind of Attorney General is that to attack a bill without reading it first?

In looking for sources about this bill, we had missed this one earlier from the LA Times which includes the AZ bill text where you learn once again this bill has been overblown by the media, this Administration and Hispanic groups like La Raza as there will be no race profiling. We do not understand what is wrong with requiring someone to carry their papers with them at all times and never will.

Read for yourself: The full text of Arizona's controversial illegal immigrant law
May 7, 2010 6:06 am

You may have heard a little something recently about this ongoing emotional controversy all across the United States over a frustrated Arizona’s homegrown legislative answer to the problem of an unsecured federal border with Mexico, illegal immigrants flowing across and the numerous side effects of such social movements including crime.

As The Ticket wrote at the time of the bill's signing, the state and its Republican Gov. Jan Brewer are disappointed in the ongoing inadequate federal response.

Democrat President Obama criticized the state's move as "misguided." He said full-blown immigration reforms are necessary but not just now. So, both pros and cons are busily quoting whatever they can find online to support whatever they want to support and oppose, producing some positively ridiculous charges.

Meanwhile, a new poll here shows most Americans kind of like Arizona's legislative solution to federal inaction.

So today, as we often do here, The Ticket is publishing for the first time the entire Arizona illegal immigrant law. Why take someone else's version? Read the full text for yourself.

Yes, yes, this may expunge some of the fun of likening Arizona to Germany, the racial....

...profiling allegations and organizing boycotts of boycotters. We also have below the governor's ensuing executive order detailing how to implement the law and the follow-up House bill to adjust some provisions of the original Senate measure.

Her order strictly prohibits state and local officials from "solely considering race, color or national origin" while enforcing the law, which takes effect this summer,and detailing the law be "implemented in a manner consistent with federal laws regulating immigration, protecting the civil rights of all persons and respecting the privileges and immunities of United States citizens."

But it also might contribute to a more intelligent debate over the actual language of the model measure, instead of what who's-its said about whats-it. That would be a shock for America in 2010.

-- Andrew Malcolm

Click Here to Read SB-1070-Signed

Source: LA Times

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