"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Obama renounces military force to secure our national interests and says he will rely on "cooperation and partnerships

On this bright, warm, sunny Sunday morning, we decided this article was worth a full read. The author has done an excellent job in pointing out the failures of the Obama foreign policy and how Obama was received by the cadets at the US Military Academy at West Point. We are seeing more and more where local papers are doing a much better job of covering what happens at events than our MSM who are out to cover for Obama. You want the truth -- read your local editorial pages in Red State America.

The last comment in this article about the United Nations as Obama seems bored being President made us start thinking. First of all, he would have to go through Bill Clinton who has always wanted to head the UN but his health could be an issue now. Then there is the "slight" problem of his being an "American" from one of the five permanent members of the Security Council which will most likely disqualify him.

Then it hit -- is this when he comes forward and tells the American people that he is not a native born citizen of the United States but was born a citizen of Kenya so he can become the head of the United Nations? Would he tell us that he didn't know he wasn't qualified to become President until after he was elected and didn't know what to do? Some people would probably swallow that especially most of the national news media. If you are going to put a tin foil hat on, might as well put it on all the way!

Maybe this is our chance to get the UN out of the US and move it to Kenya!

Food for thought on this lovely Sunday morning.

Obama renounces military force to secure our national interests and says he will rely on "cooperation and partnerships

"U. S. Military Academy cadets give him a cool reception"
May 24, 2010

In what some observers, including this one, see as a return to the national security strategy of the Jimmy Carter administration President Obama, in a commencement address at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, told the graduates that he believes America must rely on its allies, expressing faith in "cooperation and partnerships to confront economic, military and environmental challenges of the future according to the Washington Post report on the speech.

"Countering violent extremism and insurgency; stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and securing nuclear materials; combating a changing climate and sustaining global growth; helping countries feed themselves and care for their sick; preventing conflict and healing its wounds..." he said is what he sees America must be about.You can listen to a portion of the speech at the link above.

You will note the very weak applause and response to his remarks by the cadets. Some will recall when he visited the Academy last year to make his announcement of what he was going to do about Afghanistan that the faculty had to warn the cadets that they would be taking names of those who did not applaud when signaled to do so. Apparently the same "rules of engagement" were in operation this time also.

He did not mention the recent "trial balloon" the Pentagon released saying they are considering awarding a "medal for restraint" by soldiers, marines and sailors in the face of enemy action if responding threatens collateral damage, or something like that.

Nor did he mention the lack of success his strategy has produced in the Middle East, where some observers, including this one, believe the world is closer to war there than it has been since World War II. And he did not explain how his overtures to the Islamic world have not thwarted terrorists attacks on America. They still hate us. And he failed to explain how his idea of diplomacy has not succeeded in slowing Iran's drive to become a nuclear power. He did not mention his lack success in getting Russia, Turkey and Brazil (or anyone else for that matter) to not feed Iran's ambitions. And certainly he did not explain how his approach pulled the rug out from under those who tried to overthrow the Iran theocracy. And he failed to how, in his new world order, North Korea can feel immunity to sink an ally's ship.

In fact, he had nothing to offer as an example ow how his "vision" has produced any positive outcomes in 17 months.

Is it little wonder the cadets were quiet. One has to wonder how they feel about the commitment they made five years ago when they applied for admission to West Point.


Our "in-house" Obama expert, Jim Bispo, has a theory about all this. He postulates that Obama has already tired of being just President of the United States, as he tired of doing other gigs he's had all his life, and is setting himself up to become the head honcho at the United Nations. Kind of makes you wonder does it not?

Source: Beaufort Observer

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