"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, February 21, 2011

'A House of Cards' in Wisconsin

How many of the demonstrators actually came from Wisconsin? The hundred or so left today to demonstrate? There were buses from all over as Chicago unions were out in huge numbers before the weekend in Madison. Better than working in the worst school system in America -- Chicago Public Schools. Students probably learned more their substitute teachers then they do from their tenured teachers.

The comments on this video from The Heritage Foundation are telling about what the heads of the public service unions expect to happen in other states like Ohio and Pennsylvania. It is about time State employees paid their fair share for benefits and teachers not be allowed to strike anywhere in this Country. It is a travesty that teachers ever could strike when so much money is poured into education and in places like Chicago students receive a horrible public school education.

'A House of Cards' in Wisconsin8:31 AM, Feb 21, 2011 • By MICHAEL WARREN

The Heritage Foundation reports from Wisconsin and talks with union members protesting in Madison:

One demonstrator, at 3:34 in the video, expresses her concern that if the public sector unions are "busted up" in Wisconsin, "it's going to be like a house of cards, and all the unions across the United States are going to be broken." With similar efforts to have public sector workers contribute more to their benefits in states like Ohio, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania, her assessment of the future of public sector unions could be prescient. Is it any wonder, then, that the Democratic National Committee and Barack Obama's Organizing for America have been dispatching volunteer demonstrators to Madison?

Source: The Weekly Standard

Who stands in the way of charter schools and vouchers? Teachers Unions through their Democrat puppets in the Congress and the State Legislatures around the Country. NEA and their state affiliates don't seem to care about the education of the children of America as long as they get their paid benefits and can have a right to strike when they don't like something.

American Education system needs overhauled starting with the union teachers. This White House with Obama is not the place to start as he was Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge for education and wasted millions along with Bill Ayers from University of Chicago. Obama and Ayers made sure their friends had their pockets lined while south Chicago schools remain some of the worst and most unsafe in the Country. Yet, a large contingent of Chicago teachers participated in this march on Madison which is not surprising.

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