"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

LA Times: As Obama leaves for Arizona, House honors victims of shooting

We join people all over America in praying for the victims of this tragedy, their families, and their friends.

As Obama leaves for Arizona, House honors victims of shooting

Obama will speak at a memorial service Wednesday night in Tucson. On Capitol Hill, Speaker John Boehner says Saturday's shooting won't stop House members from 'being among the people we serve.'


By Michael Muskal, Reporting from Los Angeles
January 12, 2011, 10:57 a.m.


The House of Representatives on Wednesday began debate on a resolution to honor victims of the attack.

"We are called here to mourn an unspeakable act of violence," Speaker John Boehner said of the attack. Giffords had been holding a meeting with her constituents outside a supermarket in Tucson when the attack was carried out.

It was an emotional Boehner who greeted his colleagues in the morning.

"Look at Tucson right now and you will be reminded that America's most plentiful source of strength is her people," said Boehner, wiping away tears. "No act, no matter how heinous, will stop us from doing our duty and being among the people we serve."

In addition to honoring the dead and wounded, the resolution, expected to pass on a voice vote during the day, also thanks those who apprehended the suspect, Jared Lee Loughner, who faces five counts of murder and attempted murder of federal employees. The resolution calls for an open society where "the threats of violence cannot silence the voices of any American."

The call for standing above the partisan fray was one of the themes in the House.

"We know we gather here without distinction of party," Boehner said. "The needs of this institution have always risen above partisanship."

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sounded a similar note. "May this resolution remind us of the urgent need to uphold our democratic values to treat one another with courtesy and respect," she said.

Investigators have said that they believe Loughner acted alone. Even though he posted anti-government materials on the Web, any motive he might have had is unknown. Nevertheless, the shooting has become a sounding board for the debate on whether political rhetoric has become too inflamed.

Part of the debate over civility has focused on campaign materials produced by Sarah Palin. One of her political action committee's postings showed a map with 20 congressional districts — including Giffords' — in crosshairs, as targets of conservative efforts to unseat incumbents who supported programs like the healthcare overhaul.


Excerpt: Read More at Los Angeles Times

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