"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rick Santorum calls it Quits in Race -- Where will Conservatives Land?

Yesterday afternoon after Rick Santorum's daughter, Bella, had suffered another setback over the weekend, the Santorums decided it was time to end his campaign.  Give him a lot of credit for staying in the race this long against all odds with the RNC acting like the broker for Mitt Romney when it comes to awarding delegates.

Another Republican the target of the Romney "scorched earth" policy who started running to make America a better place for his children is left if the wake of the Romney millions he is spending to win the nomination.  Is it going to be worth it in the end to alienate the conservative base of the Republican Party or have the powers at be led by Romney and his Democrat lite campaign machine decided they will go with independents to win.  Good Luck on that -- the workers are in that Conservative Republican base.  How much is the Mormon Church going to spend to support Romney now?

Looks to a lot of us like Romney treated this primary as a hostile corporate takeover.  Give him credit for seeing the weak links in the RNC and exploiting them.  How much about Michael Steele that was leaked was done by Rove and company to get him out and their Romney hand picked person into the Chair?  Priebus  brought a lot of baggage from Wisconsin as it has turned out.  How much money from the RNC phone calls, emails, and letters has been funneled into Wisconsin for their recall elections?  When Priebus wasn't orchestrating the primary for Romney with all the debates with mostly liberal moderators to make Romney look good, he was making sure that delegate count went in Romney's favor even if he had to cheat to do it.  They must think Conservatives are not very smart that we couldn't see through what was happening.

Received several emails which is the norm in Republican Presidential politics today -- buy email access, send out the same item from 10-15 different email accounts, and treat it like breaking news.  Annoying as can be.  The people behind them must be nuts if they thing the same email 10-15 times is going to cause us to support Romney.

RNC who brags they have had great fundraising has been calling and sending out a lot of emails and letters asking for money and same with Romney.  I make a detour on the way back from the mailbox to my trash cans where I deposit the mail from a variety of people asking for donations almost on a daily basis.   Maybe I need to start shredding it and using it in my garden.  Give back to the environment.  When I give any money, it will be to House candidates.  Not one penny will go to the RNC for the way they treated Republican candidates this time in order to throw the primary elections to Romney.

Republicans have learned one thing -- money talks -- run enough negative ads and bring in the votes but how many of those votes were legitimate Republican votes?  How many states did Romney win where Democrats/Independents could vote in the REPUBLICAN Primary?  Is that why Romney has been hard pressed to get out of the 30's in percentage?  We are going to have a nominee that 65% of Republicans didn't want.  Not very smart.  The way the RNC awarded delegates was a joke.  It is one thing to award delegates by Congressional District which my state has done in the past but to award them proportionally because we voted before 1 April makes no sense when you don't do it for FL and AZ who voted ahead of us.

We are down to three candidates Mr. Etch A Sketch Romney, Newt who is deeply in debt for his campaign but vows to continue on (giving him an A+ for not giving up), and then Ron Paul who had kid gloves on around Romney.  Why?  That may be the biggest question of this campaign on why Ron Paul would not go after Romney.  What kind of deal did they have as Romney was sure not on the same page with Paul?  Was it because of his son, Rand Paul, that he didn't want to make waves?  Maybe someday we will know the answer but for now it is a mystery.

Actually happy to see the primary coming to an end.  The money that was wasted trashing Republican candidates and lowering the Republican brand may not be recoverable with this election for the Senate in particular.  The poll numbers show women favor Obama by 13-15% and now the latest poll out shows men favor Obama by 2%.  This is what so many of us tried to tell the RNC who refused to listen.  Rank and file Conservative Republicans do not like Romney and don't believe anything he has to say that sounds conservative.  You don't go from being pro-global warming and cap and trade and the next day come out against it.  How dumb does he think we are?

This idea that it is so important to beat Obama that we will sell out to the New England liberal is ludicrous from every angle.  We are going to put someone in office who is Obama lite so in two years the Democrats will take back Congress if we are lucky enough to win this time.   Make no sense.

Some of us are betting that Romney has an enemy's list just like Nixon.   Ironic how all those young people around Nixon became leaders  in the political world and Government and now all back Romney.  Does he remind them of Nixon who saw people out to get him around every corner?  The media was the ultimate bad guy no matter the fact that it was Nixon cover-up and dirty tricks that got him.   Secretive, kept to himself, not a people person, thought he was owed the Presidency, and hired people who did dirty tricks to get him the nomination in 1968 after he lost to John F. Kennedy in 1960.  He regrouped and would not be denied in 1968.  We all know what happened after that when he took office -- secret recordings (missing minutes), breaking and entering, and an all around not very likable person who was married to a very nice woman.   See a lot of the same traits with the win at any cost and a bank account to make it happen out Romney.

Compare that to President George W Bush, the former owner of the Texas Rangers who became the Texas Governor.  He was a people person, not afraid to get his hands dirty, and didn't calculate every move he made.  He could be your next door neighbor but Romney wouldn't even come in your neighborhood.  Remember those Texas vacations which the media hated and President Bush loved clearing off land on his ranch.  Gave him time to get back with nature.  Always said we were so lucky as a Nation to have George W. Bush as President when 9/11 happened.  He was calm, cool, and had a backbone of steel.  That visit to NYC still brings chills when he stood on the top of that pile of rubble from the terrorists:

I am extremely proud to say that I supported George W Bush for President twice -- the first time it was long hours night after night with a very good friend who worked for and at times traveled with the campaign.  I don't regret supporting President Bush because he was the right man for the job on 9/11 as we saw in the months and years after.  It only started to go down when the the partisan bickering in DC broke out in full force forgetting how our Country came together.   Once again Democrats became like the 60's with their heads in the sands about Islamic Jihad.

President Bush flew the F-105 in the Gulf during the tense times with the Russians and Cuba during the Vietnam War.  Mitt Romney went on a mission in France for the Mormon Church while friends of mine were dying in Vietnam.  The worst part was when Romney made the statement that his sons serving in Mormon missions was like being in the military.  Many of us who have been around the military for years took offense at that statement, and still do.  Today Romney thinks our greatest geopolitical threat is Russia.  Guess he missed 9/11 altogether with the terrorists threat still active and Hezbollah on our southern border.  Maybe we can gather around a campfire and sing 'kumbyya' to make the bad guys go away.

It is a dangerous world we live in today and Republicans are nominating a business man who loves to fire people and take small companies, put them under, and send their work overseas.  Just what we need -- someone who calls himself unemployed that has a special tax rate of 15% because of former his position that is only available to about 500 people when he brings in millions of dollars yearly.  Some tax break.  As someone who is unemployed he is also building a mansion in La Jolla that he wants to USSS to help design so they have a place to stay.  Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

Now that the Republican Primary is finally winding down and the nomination has been bought on the backs of honorable men by a man who will do anything to win, time to concentrate on rebuilding the Republican brand for House and Senate before Mr. Etch-A-Sketch and his 'scorched earth' gets going against Obama.  This is about to become one nasty campaign we are about to witness it before our eyes as money talks.  At least there are going to be some wealthy media outlets after all of this even if viewers drop off because of all the negative advertisements.

In the days ahead we are going to start reviewing all the candidates just not the Republican and Democrats because unlike what the Romney people and the RNC are saying, we do have a choice to vote for whoever we want and it doesn't have to be Republican or Democrat.  Look at 2000 when Ralph Nader and the Green Party was where some Democrats found a home away from Al Gore.  In 1992, Ross Perot came on the scene and made a huge splash with his Reform Party.  There is nothing written in stone that says there are only two parties like the RNC and DNC wants everyone to believe.

To those who have been demanding the Conservatives of the Republican Party rally around Romney after our candidates were trashed, need to sit down and shut up exactly what they have been telling us to do.  We are quite capable of making up our own minds about who to vote for in November.  The very idea that the 'sky is going to fall' if Obama is reelected and we won't remain a Republic is repugnant to me.   Our Country is stronger than any one man and the reason we have checks and balances in our Government.  Give me a reason not to vote for someone on ideology and I will listen but not on trying to frighten people -- not buying into that hype as a reason to vote for Romney.  I am not voting for Obama either.

Right now I am favoring voting for the 'true' Republican who looks like he might secure the Libertarian nomination, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson who the RNC dissed.  Really dumb move on their part but they had to do anything and everything to get Romney the nomination.

I can see a Republican for Johnson bumperstrip on my car!  At least I will know I am voting for a former "real" Republican Governor not one who ran as a Republican to avoid a Democrat primary.  Like the sound of Republicans for Johnson.  It will be the first time in my life voting for someone other than the Republican nominee but there is a first time for everything.

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