"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Democrat Governor's candidates Alex Sink and Jari Askins Avoiding Obama? Why?

Like so many Democrats who are running for Governor, two Democrat women candidates don't want to be seen with Obama. Alex Sink from Florida ran away from her own fundraiser with Obama before he took the stage. Guess she didn't want a picture with Obama like Charlie Crist. In Oklahoma, the Democrat, Jari Askins, told Obama to stay out of the state.   Are they afraid to be seen with Obama and remind voters how they both supported him and his agenda completely?

Jari Askins had the nerve to do a commercial that she was a 'conservative' which was laughable as she has a liberal voting record from her time in the Legislature even voting to keep partial birth abortion in Oklahoma but considers herself a conservative?  That one had people laughing around the state that she would think Oklahoma voters are that stupid.  We are not stupid as we only gave Obama 34% of the vote in 2008 and every county went for McCain which shows 2/3's of Oklahoma had Obama pegged although must admit he worse than we predicted.

In Sink's case, she was a member of Emily's List which is a very liberal organization but now wants voters to think she is more conservative than she is.  If she cannot admit she supported Obama and his liberal agenda, what makes anyone in Florida think she is telling the truth about what she would do as Governor.  Is Alex Sink another of the Democrat bait and switch candidates?  You can bet on that one!   This ad from the Scott campaign nails the Liberal Alex Sink as she speaks about Obama in her own words:

How many other Democrats running for Governor are pretending to be more conservative than they are?  After all, that was the Rahm Emanuel strategy to win seats in the House in 2006 and 2008 -- run candidates declaring they were conservative Democrats and then vote once they were elected as liberals. It worked in 2006 and 2008 -- it will not work on November 2nd. Americans have caught on to the Democrat bait and switch tactics of saying one thing and doing the opposite.


Larsen Rogers said...

2/3 of Oklahoma voters voting for McCain and Palin is nothing to brag about. They would have provided more of the same that the Conservatives always provide: nothing good and more money for the uber-rich.

It does show ignorance that Oklahoma voters would waste their votes on a bad candidate.

If you ain't Liberal, you ain't American. The definition of a Liberal is anyone who stands up to the bogus spewed forth by the American hating Cons.

Unknown said...

Thank you for pointing out the failure of a liberal public school when it comes to writing.