"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Speaker Pelosi Should Allow a Bipartisan Majority an Up-or-Down Vote to Stop All the Tax Hikes

Is Pelosi purposely not taking a vote knowing that the tax cuts will expire on January 1st since her chances of being the next Speaker of the House are slim to none?

Would she be so anti-American taxpayers to allow these tax cuts to expire? You betcha. By the same token we would expect the new 'Common Sense' Congress to bring tax cuts back and have the votes to override a Presidential veto if Obama was stupid enough to veto them.

The first district that the new Congress should look at to end pork and earmarks is the Pelosi district. Cannot wait until her wings are clipped and she no longer is flying around the Country with family and friends on her 'special' Air Force plane reserved just for her. It will be so nice to have a Speaker who is down to earth and understands what a lot of Americans are doing to make ends meet unlike the elitist Pelosi.  As long as it was good for her and her elitists liberal, progressive friends, she thought it was good for America, but she was wrong.

Common Sense Conservatism is good for America where the US Government is put on a diet -- no pork, no earmarks, cut spending, cut the size of government, and keep the tax cuts. With that watch the deficit start to fall and the stock market start to rise. Only one thing that could cause a problem and that one major roadblock sits in the White House who has never met a tax cut he likes and his biggest claim to fame is spend, spend, spend and take over private business.   How will Obama handle not having his lapdog Pelosi in charge of the House?  Pass the popcorn please!

Speaker Pelosi Should Allow a Bipartisan Majority an Up-or-Down Vote to Stop All the Tax Hikes
Last week I called on my colleagues to get to work to stop the jobs-killing tax hikes that are scheduled to hit families and small businesses on January 1, 2011. Speaker Pelosi isn't listening.

Instead she may adjourn the House this week through November without taking action. I believe that a bipartisan majority in Congress should have the chance to take an up-or-down vote on a plan to cut government spending and stop all the tax hikes. You can weigh in with your opinion here.

Also in this week’s E-Bulletin you’ll find the times and locations for my weekly “Open Door” program, as well as the latest on the governing blueprint for a better country and a more responsive government I'll introduce later this week with House Republicans. Please continue to keep me updated on the issues that concern you.


/s/ John Boehner

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