"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Holiday -- Start of the Countdown to November 2nd!

The best thing we can say about Labor Day this year is it is a holiday and starts the stretch run to November 2nd when a lot of Democrats are going to be given their pink slips and sent to the unemployment lines.  Seems appropriate since their spend, spend, spend agenda with Obama has created this mess.  That doesn't even include all the wasted dollars sent overseas and wasted by the Hillary Clinton State Department.  Why is the US Government helping build mosques overseas?  Probably the best question of the week is "Did the DoD change the name of combat troops in Iraq shortly before the Obama speech declaring that all combat troops were out of Iraq? which has turned out to be a false.  Same soldiers, same mission = different name.   

There seems little to celebrate this Labor Day as many of the people out of work have now given up looking for work in their field where they live.  Some are now are going to be looking at the fast food or retail outlets to earn enough money to put food on the table.  Many cases have both the husband and wife out of work.  With the Democrats taping into the food stamp program for money they are now going to be harming the very same people they have helped put out of work.  Business owners are afraid to hire with the impending Bush Tax Cuts going away. 

Stop this stupid stimulus idea because it is not working, never really worked, and won't work in the future.  You don't mortage the country to give away money for temporary jobs.  What employer is going to hire workers temporarily until stimulus money runs out?  Not many would take that chance.

This is the most inept and clueless administration but then when you hire a bunch of people from academia instead of people who have actually been in the business world, you don't get a clear picture of how to grow jobs and the economy.  Add that to the weak resume of Obama that the mainstream media pushed and you have a prescription for disaster. 

Now this administration wants to tax oil and gas when the industry has a moratorium on them from Obama to drill in the Gulf and it takes forever to get a permit to drill for new oil.  They want to tax profits that get turned back into hiring more people to drill more wells.  Obvious that Obama and Salazar don't understand that one oil well being drilled affects many other people that supply the oil wells and their workers with everything they need to bring in the well including employment for the area where the drilling is happening. 

The most important thing about today is that we are less than 60 days from sending a lot of Democrats back to their states.  We need to stay focused and keep the eyes on the prize on November 2nd -- work like we are behind and on November 2nd, we are going to be celebrating the return of Common Sense to DC.  Then we need to watch for what the Dems have planned for the lameduck session.  The Party of "NO" with all the ideas needs to stay the Party of "NO."   I am sure if the Republicans need any help moving offices, they will get plenty of volunteers.  The very thought of Nancy Pelosi being evicted from her office and AF travel puts a smile on your face.

Some worry about what are Republicans going to do when in charge after what happened under Denny Hastert in the House.  This group of Republicans left in the House after 2006 and 2008 are almost exclusively fiscal conservatives who believe in smaller government, less taxes, strong defense, and listening to their constituents as evidenced by all their Town Halls! 

Enjoy the last day of the Labor Day weekend and tonight the last football game of the kickoff weekend when Boise State visits Virginia Tech.

We the People will speak with a loud voice
on November 2nd  in voting booths
all across America -- Let Freedom Ring!

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