"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Front Page Mag: Ground Zero Imam Exposed Off-Mic

We have found the news media coverage of the Ground Zero Islamic less than non-biased so we decided to visit the website of the Media Research Centerwhich tracks what the media is saying and discovered:

--Media is labeling Americans who oppose the "Ground Zero Mosque" with the charge of "Islamophobia."

--In a recent three week period, two-thirds of media coverage favored the mosque (source: Media Research Center).

--The media has aggressively promoted the false idea that Americans oppose the mosque because of an anti-Muslim bias.

--By using this issue to promote the false view that most Americans are anti-Muslim — the liberal media are actually fueling the fires of anti-American hatred among the groups that are responsible for the World Trade Center attacks!

--It's time to Tell The Truth on the Ground Zero Mosque and stop radicalizing those who oppose the mosque site out of reasonable sensitivities for those who died on 9/11.
The question we would have for members of the media is why they are backing the Ground Zero Islamic Mosque being built when they are silent on the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church which was at Ground Zero and destroyed when the towers fell. Makes no sense but figures don't lie.

We would also like to know why they continue to back Imam Rauf who obviously does not have the best interest of America in mind but rather would love to see us become an Islamic Country.  The media continues to give credence to a man as a bridge builder when that is the last thing he wants to do by his own words when he thought he was speaking off the record. Now we know what he says in public is a cover-up for his true agenda.

Like so many other Americans, we are getting tired of being called names because we disagree with the liberal, progressive agenda of Obama and his supporters. It is our right under the Constitution to have Freedom of Speech if we disagree with Obama or the building of the mosque. We have been called racist and now islamaphobic for daring to disagree and all it does it make us more steadfast in our opposition to the Obama agenda and the Ground Zero Islamic Victory Mosque.

These statements by Iman Rauf off the record send chills up your spine. Why does Cordoba need a mosque and a foreign affairs unit. What other church in America as a unit for foreign affairs? If anyone knows of one, please comment on this post.

Front Page Mag: Ground Zero Imam Exposed Off-Mic
Sep 2010

An interview has surfaced in which, after being assured that it has ended, Imam Rauf speaks “off-the-record” and reveals some intriguing plans and views that he has regarding America and the world. The interview, given on June 20th, 2006, sees Rauf speaking about his “game plan” for achieving an Islamic State without borders, which — in his mind — has previously existed and should have continued to exist, if not for Western interference in the last century. The Ground Zero mosque imam also discusses some of his other objectives which include: (1) manipulating U.S. foreign policy, (2) advocating for Hamas and (3) getting “power” on his side to push back the opposing “interests.” In one part of the “post-interview,” he also boasts that he advised and influenced former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and that he has a blurb on the back of one of her books.

One can’t help from wondering: why is a “Sufi” cleric involved in such things?

Check out Rauf “off-mic” here:

To get a closer look at the psychology and true “game plan” of Imam Rauf, let’s take a closer look at some of the more intriguing quotes from him in this interview:

“9/11 was a watershed, was a major catalytic force in, in catalyzing the attention towards the issue of Islam, it’s presence in the West.”

This quote clearly reveals that the Imam sees 9/11 mainly as a major opportunity, a milestone in advancing Islam. In other words, he holds that the murder of 3,000 Americans is now facilitating the work of nice “moderate’ Imams like himself in America.

“How America should really engage with them [Hamas]…Helping her [Madeline Albright] understand the role of religion. She supported a Jewish State in the Middle East; why not support an Islamic State?”

When Rauf learned that the interview was over, he opens up regarding his advocacy for Hamas and how he advised and influenced former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright — with whom he claimed to have had constant contact. Rauf warns of the need to deal with Hamas lest we lose this organization to bad guys, like Syria or Iran, as if Hamas is not bad enough on its own. This is the same threat this ‘man of peace’ is warning America with — to never upset the Islamic street “or else.”

"We have designed our Cordoba Initiative to be designed, in other words, we have 5 major areas of our program. So we have foreign policy, is one area, you have communications is another area, you have education as the third area, for example, you have intra-Islamic issues is the fourth area, arts and culture is the fifth area.”

Why would Cordoba, which he claims to be a “cultural center,” have a “foreign policy” section that would develop “strategy action play”? What is it exactly he going to educate Americans about? Will he send Muslim coaches to American schools to teach sensitivity training to watch out for the feelings of Muslims? Or might he demand to educate American kids about how to pray to Allah?

Excerpt: Read More at Front Page

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