"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Obama & Congress: Deceit of Biblical Proportions?

Received this editorial in my email this morning and it is so true. Read the following editorial and ask yourself how much decit are they willing to do to gain more power?

Obama & Congress: Deceit of Biblical Proportions?

What we are seeing in politics these days is that deceivers are very
clever and once they gain a foothold they work tirelessly to embed
themselves in power so that they cannot be easily dislodged.

Spiritual deceit is a lot like political deceit and often they are partners.

The challenge for the genuine minority among those who use the
label "Christian" is to discern the difference between the honorable
and the deceiver and to pray that others will as well.

While the Bible tells of 'the day of the deceiver' we do not have to
make it easy for the deceiver by ignoring evil and/or refusing to
stand against it in prayer and legally-appropriate participation in
the political process. (The deceiver is not necessarily an individual
but may be several people who then metastasize their corrupting
influence into a mind-set shared by a large enough sub-population
to bludgeon the rest into acquiescence.)

When a person acquires power through deceit there is little cause
to believe that they will exercise that power honorably.

When those who hold power in Congress promise integrity, open
windows to the process, and diminished partisanship and then do
the exact opposite with no shame - there is little cause to believe
that they care at all for the will of the people.

Corrupt tyrannical "royalty" ignore the "peasants", sap them of
hard-earned income to feed their greed and that of their friends,
and destroy their freedoms to protect their power.

Referring to those who disagree as a "mob" is an intentional
effort to diminish the right of free people to disagree -- rather
than respond intelligently to the message they attack the
messenger. This is one of the short-list of attributes of tyrants -
never of friends of freedom.

It is not hard for any person interested in truth to notice these
attributes in the current "regime" in power in America. If this is
not stopped in 2010 we may not even have free elections by
2012 - their effort to control every element of the process is that
aggressive and is that Machiavellian.


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