"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

VIDEO: Karl Rove on Dems Ducking Health Care Town Hall Protests

Rove on Dems Ducking Health Care Town Hall Protests (Fox video)

This is must see video. Rove explains how the polling numbers are rapidly going negative and then goes after the members of Congress who are refusing to hold live Town Halls or listen to their constituents.

IMO this crop of Democrats only want to spew the Pelosi/Obama Talking Point papers at Town Halls and the people showing up have read the bill and don't like being fed Talking Points when they know the truth. The Democrats can no longer spin lies to large numbers of people a lot of them Democrats at these Town Halls. Have the DemocRATs even bothered to read the bill or are they relying on the Democrat Talking Point memos they are using. Sure glad the American people are not as dumb as these inside the beltway Democrats think we are.

Do the American people realize what they have elected to control the Government? We are called Nazi's for daring to question our elected officials on Obamacare but this President starts a website to snitch on neighbors/friends that don't agree on healthcare. Something is really wrong with this picture.

Send the Blue Dog Democrats to the Unemployment line in November 2010 as they are selling out their conservative districts by not voting conservative. Shame on them for their charade to get elected. They are NOT Conservatives!

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