"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Protests around the Country against Obamacare

In looking at the various Town Hall rallies around the Country something jumps out. The union thugs are attempting to intimidate constituents of the various districts/states and now we find that the HHS Secretary former Democrat Governor of Kansas, Sebelius is encouraging the union thugs to keep it up. What kind of tactic is that? So Democrat leadership likes to stack Town Hall meetings with the union thugs and have them intimidate citizens? The words lie, cheat, and steal come to mind on what Democrats are willing to do starting with Obama to pass Obamacare in spite of the fact that the vast majority of Americans oppose the takeover of Healthcare.

TAMPA - Congresswoman Castor

UPDATE 1 - http://willielawsonshow.ning.com/ -- Please click on the link for the Willie Lawson show. His show this afternoon had interviews with Tampa residents who were at this Town Hall of Castor. You can hear the show from this afternoon and the interviews by clicking on the link about the Tampa Bay Town Hall on his site.


We have a first hand report from a Tampa activist along with some links which fly in the face of the Democrat spin machine of Obama and Pelosi:

I just got home and am completely energized after Democrat Congresswoman Cathy Castor's Town Hall meeting turned into a near-riot tonight. She was shouted down, she left after 13 minutes under police escort while union thugs were beating up those who protested because they couldn't get in. I am trying to get copies of various videotapes up on YouTube...a couple links follow. I had xxxxx get there an hour & half early and he said they had the doors shut but the SEIC Union and local dem party leaders allowed their supporters in through a back door so the could fill in the front of the hall with the pro side. So when the doors opened, there were only a few seats left and they closed the doors. There were close to 1,000 of our people outside and they started chanting "Move it outside...move it outside" and "Just say no"

The dems have lost control of this issue & we have finally energized our base and expanded our appeal. 95% of our "protesters" were people I have NEVER seen before. These really are just local residents, neighbors, and voters who are fed up with where Obama s taking our country. It was so refreshing to see the momentum and the dems can't figure it out. I talked to xxxxx who said he had never seen the Republicans be protesters before and I laughed and said me either and I have no idea who they are, although many were independents and even democrats who feel it has just gone too far.

I love it and am really enthusiastic! (end email)

If you want to see what really happened inside the Tampa Town Hall of Castor, view these links:
Castor Oil Part 1 — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvD76-1Y2CQ
Castor Oil Part 2 — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeuvo-O9HfE


St. Louis - Congressman Russ Carnahan

UPDATE 1: breaking Carnahan staffer admits to causing trouble/ -- Send Carnahan to the Unemployment line in Nov 2010 for this stunt. No wonder he left in a hurry!

Update 2: New video from Hot Air with camerwoman being hit by SEIU thug in addition to the Black Conservative


This is must see as the Union thugs beat up a black conservative opposing Obamacare and the HHS Secretary Sebelius wants the union thugs to keep it up? Has the President commented on a black conservative being beat up by the union thugs he and his Administration asked to start attending these Town Halls to stand up to constituents? Getting beat up for handing out Don't Tread on Me flags by at least three union thugs is so Un-American by these union members.


The Post-Dispatch reported:
St. Louis County police say six people were arrested. Two of those were arrested on suspicion of assault, one of resisting arrest and three on suspicion of committing peace disturbances. Carnahan was gone when the ruckus started. Kenneth Gladney, a 38-year-old conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don't tread on me” printed on them.

He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room of the St. John's Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was waiting to be treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face that he suffered in the attack. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack started. “It just seems there's no freedom of speech without being attacked,” he said.

Carnahan reserved a section at the event for union supporters. He blocked the 1,000 tea party protesters from entering the event and even had his supporters enter in a side door.Here is another video of the massive crowd of tea party taxpayers waiting in line before the town hall event. They were denied entry but the union members were allowed in through a side door.Patterico adds this: "Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting"Where's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?UPDATE: At least three of the batterers wer SEIU representatives.


Georgia - Congressman David Scott, D-13

Democrat screams at constituent for asking tough question on health care
posted at 8:45 pm on August 7, 2009 by Allahpundit

And by “constituent,” I of course mean crypto-Nazi political terrorist. You’ll find the full unedited exchange right here but I’m giving you the news segment because it provides important context. Like, for example, that the guy who asked Scott the question actually is one of his constituents, contrary to what the distinguished gentleman implies. And that his “hijacking” of this town hall (which wasn’t devoted to health care) came during a Q&A session in which attendees were in fact allowed to ask about anything. But aside from that, he’s very, very Nazi, baby.

He appears to be in good health during the interview, too, so the SEIU presence at the meeting must have been light.

Dallas, TX - AARP Town Hall


AARP Town Hall Meeting on Health Care - Dallas, August 4, 2009
by admin on August 6, 2009 ·


AARP isn’t comfortable listening to its members, but pretends to represent their interests.


These are just a few examples of how out of touch the Democrats have become with the American people. Maybe if they actually listened at these town halls instead of trying to ram this plan through that probably some have not even read, it might go smoother. When you tell people they don't know what they are talking about as they spout the Democrat Talking Points, no wonder people are getting disgusted with their elected officials. There is an old saying that we help to elect office holders and once elected they work for us. Democrats have forgotten the part that they work for us. Sick and tired of hearing that we don't know what is good for our own health care. More of us have probably read the healthcare bill then the Democrat Congressmen or AARP.

One thing that jumps out is providing Obamacare for Illegals. If you are here in the United States illegally, you should have no benefits and time they had no votes as well. When ACORN signs up illegals to vote, it is WRONG -- they are not a citizen but then vote Democrat so there is no problem. (sarcasm)

Time for the American citizens to become very informed before the next election and if a member of Congress is voting how they are told by leadership and not what their constituents want, send them to the Unemployment line in Nov 2010.

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