"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Video: RNC Chairman Steele to Democrats -- DO IT!

youtube/JasonTcpa ^ August 20, 2009 sickoflibs

Question to Steele : “What do you think about democrats trying to get something through on health care using reconciliation so they don’t have to get the 60 votes. What do you think about that?”

RNC Chairman Steele’s Answer: “Do it. Have you looked at the numbers? We’re down 20 in the Senate, 78 in the House. Don’t come up in my face talking about I’m an obstacle and we are blocking this process.

You got the votes Mr. President, PASS THE BILL. Call (democrat chairman) congressman Ross who got the bill out of committee and get it to the floor. Up or down baby. Put it on the table.

And you you don’t think you have 60 votes in the Senate; you have the nuclear option, do 51 votes (reconciliation).

Remember they wanted to do this in two weeks. They wanted to have this thing signed, sealed and delivered to the president’s desk by July 31. They could have done it, Why didn’t they? I’m waiting. You got the votes.

So all this pushback on republicans, that ‘We’re the party of NO. We’re creating the obstacles. We’re not playing fair were not being bipartisan’. You got the voters. In Washington it’s all about whose got the votes. You want it done. Pass the bill. But they know it’s poisonous and they know the American people won’t tolerate it. And their scrambling now and turning on each other because they have a big political problem and they can’t solve it”

At :RNC Chairman Michael Steele in Little Rock, AR Part 2

NOTE: If Democrats have the votes why not follow GOP Chair Michael Steele's "DO IT" instead of blaming Republicans when the GOP doesn't have enough votes to stop this takeover of the Healthcare system by the Obama Administration. Ironic the Dems pushed for 60 votes to pass legislation like this when Republicans were in charge of the Senate, Republicans never used the nuclear option, so now the Democrats who have lined their pockets with donations to pass this bill now want to do the nuclear option and only require 51 votes. Every Republican, Independent, and Conservative Democrat needs to be telling the Democrats in Congress "DO IT!"

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