"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Class versus Arrogance aka Bush versus Obama

The two pictures above tell you all you need to know about this President and his lack of compassion and class along with being very arrogant.

We have the one picture above of President Bush helping Senator Byrd down the steps with Sen Reid also helping. The other picture shows us Sgt Crowley helping Professor Gates down the steps. How ironic that Sgt Crowley, who Gates had verbally attacked before and after his arrest, was the one to help him down the steps while the President who talked about the police force of Cambridge being stupid without knowing the facts walked ahead of his 'so called' friend, Professor Gates, and Sgt Crowley. By the look on Obama's face, he didn't give one thought to Gates having trouble with the stairs.

Sgt Crowley through this whole ordeal has acted with absolute class and is a credit to the Cambridge Police force and police officers across America. The comments by President Obama were disgraceful but probably what we should expect from someone who spent 20 years in the racist church of Rev Wright and his hate whitey sermons which Obama obviously agreed with or he would not have stayed a member of that Church. Americans are finally waking up and seeing the true Barrack Obama that was hidden by the media throughout the campaign as they swallowed every word that they were told. Racists come in all colors and are all despicable.

Some Democrats had a lot to say about President Bush but he had a huge heart and compassion for people and would never would have walked in front of someone who had trouble walking down steps.

Judge for yourself which President cares about people and which one only cares about himself and acts like a wannabe King not a President. Pictures don't lie especially when both are released by the White House.

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