"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Rep. Bart Stupak admitted plan to betray pro-lifers in Cheboygan, MI, Oct 29, 2009

Cong Stupak (D-MI) had no intention of voting against Obamacare going back to last October from this video of his own words. We believe that his 'pro-life' stance was all for show, and he knew all along that he was going to vote "YES" for Obamacare. We also believe that the Obama Executive Order, which is meaningless, was going to be offered at the last minute was part of that sham. Stupak needs defeated on November 2nd, 2010, and discover you cannot go around saying one thing while doing another when it comes to pro-life or any other agenda item of the Congress.

Bart Stupak personifies the low class of Democrats in the Congress who will lie, cheat, and steal to get their agenda passed even though it conflicts with the Constitution. To Democrats like Stupak it seems the Constitution is the same as an Obama Executive Order -- worthless.

All you can say is that Stupak was another sell-out but have to wonder if he would have gotten his airport money if the Democrats knew about this video

From Human Events email that provided the link to the email:

Shockingly, Bart Stupak was back-pedaling to explain to the Washington Times the secret videotape (now on YouTube here) from one year ago, where somebody caught him admitting he planned to betray pro-lifers all along. "STUPAK: If I'm given a clean shot, and I'm allowed to bring it up, and a rule comes up, and I'm allowed to have my amendment, and let's say we lose that 218 to 216, would I then vote for health care? Yeah, if it's a good bill, I would, because I want health care, and as long as I had a shot to vote my conscience, then I would feel comfortable. I've done all I could as one member to protect the sanctity of life.

PICKET: Then how come you didn't vote for Pence's amendment to de-fund Planned Parenthood back in 2009?

STUPAK: I don't think I ever voted to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood does not do abortions.in my district...when they do it, there is a segregation of funds that go with it." In other words, Stupak believes we should pay Planned Parenthood's abortion doctors, abortion counselors, their rent, utility bills, and phone bills, so long as the money doesn't pay for abortions. (Huh?) Money is fungible. I've had enough. We're taking a stand.

Stupak considered himself pro-life and never once voting to de-fund Planned Parenthood? That is mind boggling to say the least. How could this man be considered pro-life and vote to fund Planned Parenthood? Shows that the Democrats like Stupak are Pro-Life in Name Only. They stand for nothing except the Democrat Party. Is Stupak a member of the Progressive House Democrat Caucus because he sure sounds like one?

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