"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Truth: Dingell: It will take some time for ObamaCare to "control the people"

The Socialist President and his Democrat loyalist are now speaking the truth about what healthcare was all about. Here we have Cong Dingell who actually says this is about "control the people."

We have no idea which planet Dingell is now on but if he thinks that the Socialist Obama and House Democrats are going to 'control the people,' he is in for a rude awakening. The American people as a whole are center right with very few being on the far left socialist bandwagon. Yet the arrogance shown by the Socialist Obama, Pelosi, and Reid with the other Socialist from the House in attendance at the signing ceremony left a lot of people absolutely disgusted with their cheer leading. Just like this bunch of socialists did to the SCOTUS during the State of the Union, they were cheerleaders for their socialist leader Obama. The lack of class of these people in charge knows no bounds and the American people are fed up with all of them.

If anyone needed proof, all they had to do was look at the RNC Money Bomb to FIRE Pelosi -- NO more Madam Speaker and her 40 Democrats -- $1 for each of the 40 seats in the target zone. What started out as a target of $400,000 kept getting increased as money continued to flow into RNC. For $40, you were donating $1 to the opponent of the 40 Democrat held seats in the target zone. As of now they have raised $1,325,734 to Take Back 40 seats we need to FIRE Pelosi.

Many Republicans over the years had quit donating to the RNC for various reasons but we are back on board to Take Back the House in 2010! Senator Orrin Hatch is running a similar campaign of $1 for 8 Senate seats they have targeted to Take Back the Senate.

What we have found astounding are the reports of the Mainstream Media both in print and in broadcast that showed the have been at the signing since they were cheer leading in their reports of the signing event. We thought they couldn't be any more in lockstep with the Socialist takeover of Government than they were during the campaign and since the Socialist was sworn in as President, but we were wrong. Members of the media led the cheers for Obama and his Socialist takeover of healthcare in their reports as they couldn't contain their giddiness. Don't worry about the Constitution -- it seems to be a worthless document to many of them. They might not think so when the Freedom of the Press becomes a target for the Socialist leaders as has happened in every other country controlled by Socialists. Members of the media better hope that Republicans take over at one House of Congress on Nov 2, 2010, or they might see Government takeover of the media next.

If anyone wants proof of what the socialist Democrats in the House think of the Constitution or Rules of the Congress, Wesley Pruden of the Washington Times has this from his editorial PRUDEN: Now comes November:

Paying respect to the Constitution and its clauses is no longer necessary. And not just the Constitution. The rules of procedure which have restrained the occasional bouts of inanity (as well as insanity) in Congress are similarly abused. "There ain't no rules here," said Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida, "we're trying to accomplish something … all this talk about rules … . When the deal goes down, we make 'em up as we go along." Mr. Hastings has experience in making it up as he goes along; he was thrown off the federal bench for taking bribes and judged unfit to be a judge. That's when he drifted into Congress, where standards are not so high.
Socialist Democrats are openly admitting they want to control the people and don't care how they obtain their goals. They didn't even read the bill because this morning according to AP this new healthcare bill did not cover the gap in healthcare for children:

Under the new law, insurance companies still would be able to refuse new coverage to children because of a pre-existing medical problem, said Karen Lightfoot, spokeswoman for the House Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the main congressional panels that wrote the bill President Barack Obama signed into law Tuesday.
It is pretty bad when the Committee that wrote part of the bill left out such a major issue that we believe both sides could agree. This is what happens when you ram through a bill so rapidly and get no input from the other side of the aisle.

That is one gaffe in the bill that needs fixed for children, but we think the carve out part of the bill for senior staffers brings into question the ethics of the Democrat senior staffers who helped write the bill or their friends the lobbyists who ACTUALLY wrote this bill since Democrats seemed shocked at what they are finding in a bill already signed into law. We read the details on this from Ben Domenech Exempted From Obamacare: Senior Staff Who Wrote the Bill:
For as long as the political fight took over the past year, the abbreviated review process on the health care legislation currently pending on President Obama’s desk is unquestionably going to result in some surprises — as happens with any piece of mashed-up legislation — both for the congressmen who voted for it and for the American people.

One such surprise is found on page 158 of the legislation, which appears to create a carve out for senior staff members in the leadership offices and on congressional committees, essentially exempting those senior Democrat staffers who wrote the bill from being forced to purchase health care plans in the same way as other Americans.

So now it is not only Congressmen and the President, but senior staffers who are exempt. Talk about an elitist bill -- this one takes the cake. It appears that the Socialist Democrats in Government are setting out to have a Ruling Class with the rest of us peons bowing before them. You think that is a jest -- just listen to Obama/Pelosi/Reid. They already have stated over and over they know what is best for us.

Remember that Executive Order about Abortion Funding promised by Obama? He plans to sign it in private this afternoon. Now you want a worthless piece of paper? That is the Abortion Executive Order as it is unenforceable. Seems what Bart Stupak, the so-called Pro-Life Democrat, sold out for was money for three small airports in his district because he had to know that the EO was worthless and had no bearing on the law. Seems to us he deserved to be called 'baby killer' and the Texas Rep said what many were thinking.

We don't condone the attacks on Congressional office but we have to question who is doing the attacks. Like the so-called racial slurs against Lewis that cannot be confirmed on several videos, we have to wonder if these attacks on offices are by SEIU members who are controlled by the Democrats just like they beat up a Black Tea Party member in MO. If you are Black you are not allowed to be a Republican or Member of the Tea Party movement, you are to support Obama without question along with the Black Socialist Caucus members of the House as they will attack blacks that do not walk in lockstep. We admire those willing to stand up and not be lemmings for the Obama Socialist agenda.

The bottom line of all of this is that Democrats did not read their own 2700 page bill before voting and the President signing. How much more is going to be found in the bill that is worthless?

If you have a spare $40, you might want to go visit GOP.com and donate to the Fire Pelosi fund!

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