"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cong Pence Details Proposed Government Takeover on the House Floor

Cong Mike Pence today on the floor of the House was able to conveny in few words what this Healthcare is all about -- Government takeover of healthcare by any means. His last paragraph sent a clear notice to the Democrat Leadership that Republicans are not rolling over and will fight anything Unconstitutional about the process or the bill:

"The Democrat health care bill that's being brought through the Congress this week is nothing more than a government takeover of health care, and the American people know it. I know the administration doesn't like us to use that phrase, but come on. When you mandate that every American purchase health insurance whether they want it or need it or not, you mandate that every business provide it, you create a massive government-run bureaucracy exchange that mandates what's in insurance plans, you wrap that all in about $1 trillion worth of spending, that's a government takeover of health care.

"But what's really remarkable about this whole business is that not only the American people rejected this plan but Democrats are so desperate to pass it that they're willing to trample on the traditional rules of the House and Senate and even trample on the Constitution of the United States to get it done.

"Well that would be news to the Founders of this country, and a betrayal of the commitment of every Member of this Congress to the American people. I urge the Speaker, if you have the votes for the Senate bill, bring it to the floor. If you don't, let's scrap the bill and start over for the American people."
Having leaders such as Mike Pence on the side of the Constitution should send a clear message to any Democrat that you should think twice before going against the Constitution and the American people. Please view Cong Pence's remarks that were made today on the floor of the House:

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