"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rep Pence: "America Stands with Israel"

Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) states what so many Americans are feeling about the Anti-Israel sentiment by Obama. True to form, Obama once against has chosen the side of enemy instead of our ally. The vast majority of Americans stand with Mike Pence in standing up for Israel!

We cannot believe what we have been hearing from Obama and his Administration especially the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telling Israel what they can and cannot do when Israel is an Independent Country. Hillary has removed all doubt that she would have been a better President then Obama -- they both dis our allies and praise our enemies.

The United States has a special relationship with Israel that Obama and Hillary Clinton are trying to destroy. Yesterday we learned from the National Review on Line, Andy McCarthy:

As Long as We're Passing Out Piles of Cash, Why Not $900M for Hamas? [Andy McCarthy]

Various la-la land conservatives and moderates assured us that Obama, despite a career spent in the Left's fever swamps, is really a "pragmatist" who would govern from the center. They pooh-poohed us knuckle-draggers who doggedly pointed to his radical intimates, like Hamas-apologist Rashid Khalidi. I wonder what they're thinking today as Obama takes time out from destroying the economy to send $900M from the mint's busy printing press to Hamas.

Excerpt: Read More at NRO
We are on record of not agreeing with a lot of the policies of the last few years of the Bush Administration and their reckless spending of our tax dollars. We agree with NRO's comments:

The UNRWA is effectively an arm of Hamas in Gaza (and elsewhere). In its second term, the Bush State Department was reckless in enabling Palestinian terrorists on its utopian quest for Middle East peace. As in so much else, Obama is taking that parlous policy and multiplying it by a hundred.
Congressman Pence has once against stood up for what is right and all of us need to be doing the same thing when it comes to Israel. We need to find out who in Congress continues to support Israel and who is standing with Hamas against Israel. Once that list is confirmed, we will publish and let everyone know who Stands with Israel and who is Against Israel. We already have threee names who are against Israel -- Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton. There will be more.

We would be remiss if we didn't include the famous picture of Ms. Clinton and the wife of the 'former' head of the PLO Arafat:

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