"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Oklahoma Company Identifies Problem With Skycam

When the camera fell out of the sky at the Insight Bowl, I couldn't believe it was happening.  At Owen Field in Norman the wires for the camera come right over our section.  The crew had a hard time figuring out how to get the camera off the field and then what to do with the dangling wires.  Glad it is fixed before next season so we can watch the game not the wire above us.

On a serious note, it was a good thing that no one was hurt as the 25lb camera could have easily dropped on a player -- came close but fortunately it missed an Iowa player.  You would think they would have had a back-up for the bolts but what do I know?

An update on the falling Skycam is the honest news of the day!
Oklahoma Company Identifies Problem With Skycam
Loose Bolt Blamed For Equipment Failure
POSTED: 8:20 am CST January 4, 2012 UPDATED: 8:40 am CST January 4, 2012 

The Oklahoma company responsible for installing the Skycam at the Insight Bowl is explaining what caused it to fall during the game. 
The Oklahoma company responsible for installing the Skycam at the Insight Bowl is explaining what caused it to fall during the game. 
During the OU - Iowa game, the Skycam came dangerously close to hitting several Iowa players in the fourth quarter.  
A Tulsa company installs the cameras at the games. The Skycam company said, "We have identified the issue to be the result of a detached bolt assembly where a fastener came apart from a bolt. 
"Right now the company says it is inspecting all of its Skycams and says it plans on installing backup systems to keep the cameras from falling.

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