"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, June 25, 2010

House ’shreds our constitution for raw, ugly, partisan gain’ by vote of 219-206

We noticed in the vote that both parties had people voting yes or no that reflected how blue or red their district is -- Republicans had 2 but the Democrats had many more that were told to vote like they wanted once the final numbers were secure. In the House, Republicans cannot stop a bill because of the huge numbers in favor of Democrats. We are still asking today "How many Democrats are in Congress because of ACORN fraulent ballots?" The number of close races won in 2006 and 2008 by Democrats defy probability.

Labor Unions once again are favored by their puppets, the Democrats. Democrats don't get it there is a Constitution in this Country guaranteering freedom of speech for all just not for Democrats and their unions. We expect because of the limiting of free speech by this Democrat amendment favoring their Labor Unions (can you say George Soros money?) to be overturned by the Supreme Court.

The language in question would exempt from disclosure requirements transfers of cash from dues-funded groups to their affiliates to pay for certain election ads.
Once you have an exemption from disclosure requirements, Democrat unions can spend whatever they want on ads. The Obama campaign turned off security for credit cards so that Soros funded credit cards could be used to funnel money into the Obama campaign and not take federal funds which he had promised to do. That should have been a red flag that what Obama says and what he does are two different things.

This is the Democrat's last gasp because they know deep down they will NEVER have these huge numbers again in the House. In fact, Pelosi could lose her Speaker's chair and her personal Air Force plane in January. There has never been a Speaker who is as polarizing as Nancy Pelosi who also has no regard for the Constitution or for the Rules of the House. No better example than the fact the Democrats are not introducing a budget resolution this year in the House which breaks the Rules they passed in 1974. Rules mean ZERO to these progressives in their march toward socialism.

House ’shreds our constitution for raw, ugly, partisan gain’ by vote of 219-206
By: Mark Hemingway
Commentary Staff Writer
06/24/10 6:10 PM EDT

The DISCLOSE Act is the Democrats big legislative “fix” to pushback against the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision that eliminated a number of campaign finance restrictions on first amendment grounds. It just passed the House this afternoon — even with 36 Democrats voting against it.

House Republican Leader John Boehner’s already declaring that the legislation will “Shred Our Constitution for Raw, Ugly, Partisan Gain.” Normally, I’d automatically dissmiss such a press release as hyperbole, but this time I’m not so sure. For one thing, the DISCLOSE Act does this:

A Democratic amendment tucked into campaign finance legislation Wednesday night also drew fire from Republicans and their allies, who contend it gives special treatment to Democrat-allied labor unions. The language in question would exempt from disclosure requirements transfers of cash from dues-funded groups to their affiliates to pay for certain election ads. It was inserted into the bill by Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa.), chairman of the House Administration Committee and a big union backer.

So unions now get nearly unrestricted, undisclosed political spending. Further, the restrictions in the DISCLOSE Act only cut one way — against business. If you took TARP funds as a business, express political advocacy is now verboten. So GM has very limited first amendment rights, but even though arguably primary beneficiary of the auto bailout was the United Auto Workers union which got government garunteed billions directly as a result of the TARP funding — UAW can spend almost whatever it pleases, and it has a history of spending millions on Democratic campaigns.

Further, under the DISCLOSE Act if a company has more than $7 million in government contracts, it has no right to political speech. But public sector unions can spend millions of recycled tax dollars campaigning for Democrats, no problem. All this will likely do is make business spend more money on lobbyists rather than campaigns. Of course, campaign spending is much more transparent than lobbying, but when it comes to the DISCLOSE act, clean elections and free speech seem to be secondary considerations to getting Democrats elected.

Read more at the Washington Examiner

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