"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Obama Stiffs AZ on Troops and Gives More $ to Mexico

Bottom line is that Obama has more money for Mexico than he does for Border Security for our Border States. Over twice as much money will be leaving the US Treasury to go to the corrupt Mexican Government who wants to join in a lawsuit against Arizona and a Mexican President who trashed Arizona on our soil. Mexico should get zero and instead be issued a bill for costs associated with the United States having to provide for the needs of their citizens who are in this country illegally. Doesn't anyone in the Obama Administration including Obama understand the word 'illegal?'

Main Entry: illegal (+)i(l)-!lE-gul
Pronunciation: \ (ˌ)i(l)-ˈlē-gəl \
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French illegal, from Medieval Latin illegalis, from Latin in- + legalis legal
Date: 1538
not according to or authorized by law: unlawful, illicit
also not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game)
It is very simple -- come across the border without an official green card and the person is here illegally and should be sent back to Mexico. Border Security should have kept them out for years but INS turned a blind eye and now we have a huge problem that is getting worse. At one time people coming across the border were hard working people who wanted a better life for their families. In recent years that has changed as the drug cartels have been running drugs into this country and with that has come the violence. Without illegals from Mexico and Central and South America, Hispanic gangs would not be the problem they are today.

The fence needs built all along the border like it is in El Paso. The Border with Mexico needs secured because not only illegals are coming across but so are terrorist. Does Obama care? Not from what we can see as he looks at illegals as potential Democrat voters with 'his' amnesty plan and road to citizenship. No one here illegally should ever have a path to citizenship unless they serve in the US military. With that they will have earned their citizenship. Amnesty is earning nothing but being rewarded for breaking the law.

We also learned from the meetings the Obama people had with Arizona officials they would not discuss a possible lawsuit against Arizona:

The meetings were held as Arizona officials awaited word on a widely anticipated federal legal challenge to the measure. Obama has called the law "misguided." Brewer has called its enactment necessary due to federal inaction on border enforcement.

Goddard said the federal officials clammed up when asked during the Tucson meeting about a possible challenge. Brewer said the subject didn't come up during the Phoenix meeting.
If Obama chooses to sue Arizona, a firestorm against Obama and the Democrats will errupt across America by American citizens including Hispanics who want the laws enforced. Hispanics here legally have worked hard to make a better life and along come illegals who want everything handed to them.

This YouTube from Governor Brewer says it all about Obama putting Mexico over Border Security for our States:

The Texas and Arizona governors criticized the Obama administration's border security plans Monday, saying not enough National Guard troops are being deployed to their states.

"What we heard wasn't anything what we hoped to hear," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer told reporters after a 90-minue briefing by federal officials sent by President Barack Obama.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican like Brewer, said the deployment to his state was "insufficient to meet the needs of securing the Texas-Mexico border."

A White House statement said plans to deploy 1,200 additional National Guard soldiers along the U.S.-Mexico border would "complement the unprecedented resources and additional efforts already devoted by this administration to securing the Southwest border."

Arizona would get 524 National Guard troops, Texas would get 250, California 224 and New Mexico 72, officials said. Another 130 would be at a national liaison office.

Brewer has said the deployment should total 6,000, including 3,000 in Arizona, the state with the most illegal border crossings. Perry asked in January 2009 for 1,000 National Guard troops to help with border security in Texas alone.

The White House statement said the extra Guard troops would be used to provide intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance support as well as backup to counternarcotics enforcement until more civilian officers are trained and stationed at the border.


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