"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

No skimmers in sight as oil floods into Mississippi waters

As we covered yesterday, there are over 2,000 skimmers in the United States with only 20 in the Gulf. Why? Obama told Senator LeMieux (see video in right column) that they had to stay where they were in case of another oil spill. Why won't Obama accept the help of skimmers from foreign countries who are experts at cleaning up oil spills? When you can answer those questions you will see a disengaged President who cares more about golf and taking expensive trips on Air Force One than he does the people of this Country especially if you are from red states.

Obvious by his first 17 months in office that this President cares about one thing -- himself. He was inexperienced from the beginning which the mainstream media continued to hide as they built him up as someone who could walk on water. No longer can they hide this inexperienced, narcissist person who they helped elect by hiding facts of Obama's background. Obama had the thinnest resume ever to President but the media like the lapdogs they are for the Democrats made it sound like writing two biographies was all the experience he needed to be President. Then we find out that Bill Ayers wrote the first of the Obama books. Who wrote the second?

Obama has done everything wrong with this oil spill and it continues now with still refusing help of foreign nations, other oil companies, sending no skimmers to the Gulf to augment the '20' in the Gulf and hindering Governor Jindal's attempts to save his coast and his economy. What Obama is doing by not sending skimmers to protect the Gulf Coast should be labeled criminal. What does Obama want to do instead of sending skimmers -- pass Cap and Trade in the Senate. If that doesn't tell you what this is all about, nothing will. He will do and say anything to get his Cap and Trade passed including destroying the ecology of the Gulf of Mexico and harming the economies of the Gulf States. We have NEVER had a more spoiled manchild occupying the White House than we do today.

If the Democrats in the Congress had any sense at all, they would be taking a group to the White House to demand additional skimmers in the Gulf (as many as could fit) to clean up the oil instead of seeing the oil heading for the pristine white beaches of our Gulf States. They would also demand he accept help from foreign countries. Gene Taylor (D-MS) stopped short in this article of putting the blame where it belongs at Obama's feet as this is much worse than Hurricane Katrina which was a natural disaster. This is manmade and the 'manchild' in the White House is doing NOTHING to help.

The Coast Guard who is still in charge is dysfunctional at best. Why was the Navy never called in to take charge? They have the expertise not the Coast Guard. Now we learn the Coast Guard Commanders on site cannot even make the decision -- it has to go to a Command Center where it seems to takes days to make a decision. Do they have to get approval from the White House before they can act? Who knows!

Cannot believe the pictures coming out of the Gulf all the while Obama is playing at President. We don't know what else to call it because he is in command of little. Even the firing of McChrystal turns out was more about the fact McChrystal said there will be no progress in the next six months in Afghanistan when he recently briefed NATO. He told Obama it will take years, when Obama wanted months so the United States could be out of Afghanistan when he ran for office in 2012. The Rolling Stone article looks to be a ruse for Obama to get rid of McChrystal because he didn't tell him what he wanted to hear.

One thing Obama does well is lecture!

It is becoming clearer by the day with Obama refusing to add skimmers in the Gulf and his moratorium on deep well drilling that he wants to kill the Gulf economy along with the Gulf and the coastal ecology. Obama had a disaster handed to him and he has failed miserably (on purpose?). Is it because in his small mind as a socialist that this disaster will help pass Cap and Trade which BP wrote.

When is Cong Gene Taylor (D-MS) going to go one on one with Obama since Obama is the leader of his Party? For years you could count on Taylor to be the sane voice of the Democrats in the House but in the 2nd year of Pelosi as Speaker, his fairly conservative voting record went left. Is this article going to be the last we hear of Gene Taylor on the subject of skimmers protecting our Gulf shores or is he going to stand up to Obama and demand answers to questions? We are not holding our breath, but we are hoping to see the Gene Taylor who would stand up to anyone come back.

Posted on Saturday, June 26, 2010

No skimmers in sight as oil floods into Mississippi waters

People hold hands in Gulfport, Miss., to protest offshore oil drilling. Scores of similar demonstrations were held around the United States, including one at Anna

By Karen Nelson Biloxi Sun Herald
GULFPORT, Miss. — A morning flight over the Mississippi Sound showed long, wide ribbons of orange-colored oil for as far as the eye could see and acres of both heavy and light sheen moving into the Sound between the barrier islands. What was missing was any sign of skimming operations from Horn Island to Pass Christian.

U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor got off the flight angry.

"It’s criminal what’s going on out there," Taylor said minutes later. "This doesn’t have to happen.”

A scientist onboard, Mike Carron with the Northern Gulf Institute, said with this scenario, there will be oil on the beaches of the mainland.

“There’s oil in the Sound and there was no skimming,” Carron said. “No coordinated effort.”

Taylor said it was a good thing he didn’t have a mic in the helicopter, because he might have said some things he didn’t want his children to hear.

“They’re paying all these boats to run around like headless chickens,” Taylor said, as reporters gathered to hear his assessment of the Sound.

There has been hope among state officials the islands would stop a lot of the oil and skimmers could take care of the passes or breaks between the islands.

Horn Island was doing its part Saturday, observers pointed out. The wiggly lines of sheen were coming straight at it from the south, headed for the island’s southern beaches. The island had boom in place to protect the inlets and sensitive wetlands along its northern shore, the side that faces the mainland.

Even the Pascagoula River was doing its part.

Carron pointed out the line where the river’s fresh water met the Sound’s salt water near Horn Island. All along the line was the orange oil caught between the two types of water and held at bay.

But where the failure came was in the human effort.

There were dozens of boats of all sizes running around, some leaving trails through the sheen. Two boats among a group near Ship Island were pulling boom in a line, but not using it to round up oil. That was at 10 a.m.

Taylor slipped a note to a fellow passenger.

It said: “I’m having a Katrina flashback. I haven’t seen this much stupidity, wasted effort, money and wasted resources, since then.”

Back on land in Gulfport, Taylor let loose.

“A lot of people are getting paid to say, ‘Look! There’s oil’ and not doing anything about it,” Taylor said. “There shouldn’t be a drop of oil in the Sound. There are enough boats running around.

“Nobody’s in charge,” Taylor said. “Everybody’s in charge, so no one’s in charge.

“If the president can’t find anyone who can do this job,” he said, “let me do it.”

Taylor and U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., took the morning flight on a National Guard helicopter with representatives of the state DEQ and BP.

After the flight Wicker said he feels it’s not too late for President Barack Obama to accept help from other countries that have offered the services of their large oil-skimming boats.

Wicker blamed bureaucracy and the president, but said, “Mississippi has been a champ from the beginning of this.”

He also said he noticed BP has been slow to accept prevention plans from local governments.

Taylor was ready for action.

Katrina wasn’t preventable, he said, but the disaster of oil reaching Mississippi beaches is preventable.

He had said earlier that if organized right, he believed a lot of small boats, working hard and working together, could contain the floating oil.

Instead, the vessels of opportunity seem to have no game plan.

There should be some light aircraft spotting for and guiding them, said Carron, who was also puzzled by the response. “I don’t really understand it all.”

Before he took the flight, Taylor said, he had submitted a detailed plan of action to BP and the Coast Guard commander. He was on the Coast on Saturday to see if any of it was being carried out — it addressed ways to solve the lack-of-communication issues between spotters and skimmers.

He was scheduled to go aboard a boat in the Sound to see the situation from that perspective as well.

Taylor was concerned Coast Guard Cmdr. Jason Merriweather, assigned to Mississippi, doesn’t have the authority to act independently; that he reports to the Unified Command in Mobile; and that all his decision are filtered through that group.

Carron said he was just as concerned with whether there’s submerged oil coming in with the orange floating bands.

And all the while the NOAA trajectories for where the oil is heading get progressively grim for Mississippi.

Saturday’s briefing projected oil would be on the beaches of the barrier islands, the Chandeleurs, in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. For Sunday the projection of beached oil showed thicker lines as the bulk of the oil body moved closer.

For Monday the projection was more of the same, except it included a red X at Bay St. Louis, meaning the forecast is oil will reach the mainland there.

Read more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/06/26/96608/no-skimmers-in-sight-as-oil-floods.html#ixzz0s3v62Q96

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