"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Petraeus to Modify Afghanistan Rules of Engagement, Sources Say

It should be mandatory that the Rules of Engagement brought into Afghanistan by the Obama Administration which gave protection to the enemy by allowing them to hide in Afghanistan villages among the civilians be reviewed and changed. Soldiers fighting in Afghanistan are fighting with one hand tied behind their back and that needs to change immediately. Putting a date for withdrawal as firm like Obama has done only emboldens the enemy to hang on until that time.

Obama may be the poorest excuse for a Commander in Chief this Nation has ever had. In fact, what is he good at except partying in the White House and using Air Force One as his taxi?

Either the Commander of the forces in Afghanistan has the authority to run the war the way he sees fit or get our troops out. Obama and the people he chose around him as his national security team were unfit to be in charge of running the war in Afghanistan as witnessed by the Obama Rules of Engagement.

Too many Americans have already lost their lives due to the ineptness of this Administration and their 'Rules of Engagement' that tied our military's hands. What is with Democrats and wanting to micromanage wars? They make the worst Presidents -- the last four have been nightmares when it comes to our military and national security. Waiting for Obama to start shooting off Cruise Missiles next at tents like Clinton did to show he is in charge.

Petraeus to Modify Afghanistan Rules of Engagement, Source Says
Published June 25, 2010

A military source close to Gen. David Petraeus says one of the first things the general will do when he takes over in Afghanistan is to modify the controversial rules of engagement to make it easier for U.S. troops to engage in combat with the enemy.

Troops on the ground and some military commanders have said the strict rules -- aimed at preventing civilian casualties -- have effectively forced the troops to fight with one hand tied behind their backs.

At a news conference at the Pentagon Thursday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen said Petraeus will have the flexibility to make tactical changes. But he said that does necessarily mean changes will be made.

President Obama said Wednesday after he accepted Gen. Stanley McChrystal's resignation in the wake of a magazine article in which he and his staff were critical of the administration that the change-up does not represent a shift in war strategy.

The issue is likely to be front and center in Senate confirmation hearings for Petraeus next week.

Fox News' Steve Centanni and Justin Fishel contributed to this report.

Source: Fox News

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