"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ACORN keeps falling -- Vote fraud, then prostitution sponsorship, now tax avoidance

This afternoon it was announced that ACORN is suing the two young film makers that outed them in Maryland and Andrew Breitbart. Discovery should be interesting is all we can say. We know that Rathke is involved in ACORN and SEIU and just how far is this going to go. Our bet is into the White House since Obama as a Community Organizer had a lot to do with ACORN. Maybe Valerie Jarrett from Chicago.

IRS terminated their contract with ACORN to help poor people do taxes. About time after they saw how much tax help ACORN workers were giving people that wanted to start a brothel.

Just think there are over 40 hours of tape and we have just seen a little.

Sit back, pop some popcorn and watch the DC Democrats run away from ACORN as fast as they can. Cong Barney Frank threw them under the bus this afternoon by saying he would have voted to end their funding. Bet ACORN was not expecting that.

EDITORIAL: ACORN keeps falling--Vote fraud, then prostitution sponsorship, now tax avoidance
The Washington Times
September 23, 2009

As scandals concerning the left-wing "community" group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) continue to metastasize, the organization seems to think it can handpick allies to "investigate" its own transgressions. Fortunately for the rest of us, the growth of independent writers and researchers using modern communications means there are plenty of other outfits that can and will expose corruption.

Case in point: The Pelican Institute think tank in New Orleans keeps unearthing examples of federal and state tax liens against ACORN's national headquarters in the Crescent City. The institute's indefatigable research broke into national attention yesterday via a column by nationally syndicated writer Deroy Murdock in the New York Post. And freelance journalists and state attorneys general not aligned with ACORN are more than holding ACORN's collective feet to the fire. All of this makes a mockery of ACORN's self-selection of two "internal investigat[ors]" to report on where ACORN went wrong.

ACORN is trumpeting its choice of former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger for a supposedly "aggressive, thorough and far-reaching" probe. This is the same Mr. Harshbarger who once kissed up to power by giving "thanks to courageous, independent people like [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi" -- another ACORN ally -- and the same Mr. Harshbarger whose lust for the limelight is such that he prosecuted the now-infamous pseudo-sex scandal in 1986 known as the Amirault case, which observers as diverse as the Wall Street Journal and the leftist Nation magazine now say was a grossly error-filled miscarriage of justice.

Another "adviser" for the internal investigation will be former Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry G. Cisneros. He was last seen pleading guilty on perjury-related charges about hush payments to a mistress. Mr. Cisneros also has a long history of being an advocate for ACORN.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com

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