"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wobbling Washington-Netanyahu, Abbas will wondering: Can America be relied upon, taken seriously?

This paragraph from the article jumped out at us. Why did Obama turn a blind eye to the goodwill he originally had in Israel? Why is Obama so adament against the Israeli settlements? No one seems to know the answer why he attacked Israel in his speech at the United Nations either.

It decimated the initial goodwill and admiration Obama enjoyed among the Israeli public by instigating a diplomatic crisis over something called "a stop to settlements...without exceptions." This absolute demand was always unrealistic and therefore counterproductive. Hundreds of children are born each year in the suburbs of Jerusalem that step over the 1949 Green Line. Was the Jerusalem Municipality being asked to cease construction of kindergartens for them? Until the administration folded on this issue in July, the answer seemed to be yes.
When you read what Obama said to the United Nations, you have to start to wonder whose side he is on right now. We have examples including Honduras where he takes the side of the ousted President who was removed for going against the Honduran Constitution. Why side with someone who wanted to be a dictator for life? Then we have the recent withdrawal of a missle defense system from Poland and the Czech Republic with no real assurance Russia will take their missles elsewhere. Why demand now Israel quit building? What right does Obama have to interfer in Israel it seems on behalf of the Palestinians? All legitimate questions with no answers.

Wobbling Washington-Netanyahu, Abbas will wondering: Can America be relied upon, taken seriously?
Jerusulem Post
Sep 24, 2009

Forgive us our skepticism at this dawn of a new year, but lately the Obama administration has come to seem like something other than the clear-headed captain at the confident helm of the free world.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week offered a new assessment of the Holocaust - it is a lie - and of Israel's future prospects - it will soon be removed. This came as an unwelcome reminder to the Obama administration, and to the rest of the watching world, that the United States would be sitting down in the coming weeks with a Holocaust denier bent on nuclear weaponization. We trust the Americans will try nobly to convince Mr. Ahmadinejad to do otherwise. But in between his launching of new uranium enrichment centrifuges and the arrest and torture of regime opponents, we sadly doubt the Iranian president will be persuaded.

The chief stumbling block to ending Iranian nuclear weaponization is currently Russia, which is refusing all requests to halt the sale of modern high-quality anti-aircraft missiles to Iran and has even rejected the imposition of new sanctions on the recalcitrant despotism in Teheran.

Speaking of Russia, the Obama administration has stunned its small but trusting East European allies by deciding to relocate the American missile defense shield - aimed at Teheran but seen by Eastern Europeans as a symbol of American protection against Russian imperial encroachment - from Poland and the Czech Republic to ships and installations closer to Iranian territory.

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